impossible irregular measures

• Jan 1, 2011 - 21:25

Trying to "split" a 4/4 measure between one irregular 3/4 and one 1/4, I had quite a lot of crashes, and did not succeed.

So I made a trial (attached) concerning measures 5 and 6

5 was declared irregular 3/4 and 6 declared 1/4 (.....and so say their properties.

but when I typed quarters......5 has 4 quarters, 6 has 2, and 7 has been increased to 6!

So I'll use the trick illustrated en measures 10 to 12, with unhappily blank spaces.

And why do I want that? To simulate a line break according to lyrics and not to measure....

all this with nightlybuild 3796M Ubuntu 10.04

Attachment Size
essai.mscz 2.16 KB


There's a known bug with full measure rest when changing the actual measure duration.
Try to split the full measure rests by inserting quarter rests before splitting your measure in two (or reduce two measures).
Which in fact doesn't explain this strange behaviour of your example.
See also:

Using normal time signatures is not recommended for this purpose since the invisible time signatures leaves empty white space on the staff. The recommend method is described in the handbook. See Measure operations , "Duration".

Nevermind, I misunderstood your bug report.

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