Ontime offset type and midi playback issues

• Jan 14, 2011 - 11:14


I've imported a midi file which I'm having trouble with. It looks fine but, when I play it, it begins with a sustained 'chord' that I can't even find and, if I start playback having selected an initial note, all repeated notes are played as if tied.

Digging into note properties, all ontime and offtime offset types are set to usr. Is this the problem and what can I do to change it globally?

Apologies - I'm probably trying to run before I can crawl as I'm new to Musescore and to Ubuntu. I'm running Musescore 0.9.6 on Ubuntu 10.04.

Andy Smith

Attachment Size
01 Kyrie.mid 4.54 KB


It's quite a hack but a possible solution could be to save your file as MusicXML (Save as -> choose musicxml in the filetype combo) and open the MusicXML file again in MuseScore. Since MusicXML export does not write offset info, you should get a usable result.

In case anyone does follow this thread - I wussed out and did the conversion on a Windows install of 0.9.5 and had no problems. I'm now going to re-install on Ubuntu to see if that's the problem.

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