How to use QtWebkit ?

• Nov 21, 2015 - 21:45


I apologize if my question is stupid, I'm a beginner !

I try to code my own plugin, and I need to use the QtWebkit.
I check it's available in the framework folder in the MuseScore app, but how can I know the version of this webkit ?

At the header of my plugin, I must write "import QtWebkit X.XX", and I don't know which version.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

A plugin for my young students, which the following behavior :

- when starting the plugin, a frame appears and load a webpage
- the webpage contains a list of links to mscz files
- when clicking on a link, the score is opened by MuseScore

Because, it's the only way to manage easily the mscz files I give to my students. Else I must copy one by one on their usb key.

A this moment, I can open a webpage from a plugin, but it's with the default external navigator. And clicking on a link will download it and not open it in MuseScore.

In reply to by skunt

"And clicking on a link will download it and not open it in MuseScore."
Weird, MuseScore should open mscz files when they are downloaded. It's a function of the OS. On my mac, clicking on a mscz file definitely open MuseScore or open the file in MuseScore if already opened.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

My test : //
On my mac it's a download, but maybe it's not setting for.

The students are very young : from 7 years old. And they can't use their computer (open the webbrowser, download a file, search it in a folder, open with musescore (and musescore should be already installed).

For these reasons, I installed MuseScore portable on their usb media, because I can custom the ui : hiding palettes, navigator, toolbars, etc., setting preferences to starting with play panel shown, etc. And for these students, the best way to open a file is to stay in MuseScore to do that. Using files hosted in and opening them with the search box in the start center is not very easy, because it's a download too.

I'm looking for a way to manage the content online, and only one application to use for the student.

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