Is it possible to get empty staffs with no rest symbals to start a new score

• Jan 22, 2011 - 02:28

the music I write chanes tempo several times, and the pre loaded rests make it impossible to change tempo mid score. I have to write several separate scores, and splice them together toget the effect I need


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I need empty bars, withou whole rests in them for the syle of writing I do, basically it would look like a blank set of 5 lines with only the bars showing, Just like composition paper you can buy at the music store. Is this posible? Otherwise your software is wxcellent for my needs!

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

No, i am not printing out blank composition paper, I write Christian music for my church. I used to be able to play all of the brass instruments prior to the loss of my teeth, I am now limited to keyboard, strings, and percussion. In the summer of 1976, I played lead trumpet in the Disneyland Dixieland Jaz band, spent 3 summers in a row attending the Doc Sevrenson music Summercamps in L.A.
Now, i am disabled, and have devoted my life to writing chrstian music!
I have been composing music since 1969, I am so used to working from a blank page that the rest changing as I write confuses me, and distracts me from the song in my head. I can see, for most users, this can be an aid, but us old schoolers have a certain way of working and change comes hard. I have been searching for a program such as this for years, I even bought Songsmith from microsoft, thinking it would help, but turned out to be a waste of money. So far I have put several little jingles to paper, and have been able to write matching scores for the vaious instuments, and with the playback feature been able to work out the bugs. Keep up the great work, so far as far as I can tell this is the program I have been searching for!!! The only thing I can see needed are a few more editing utilities, as I work through and learn to fully understand the software, I am sure I can help add my ideas, also, the feedback and help/support are superb, Kudos
David Smith

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