XRUNS when connecting to JACK (on Windows)

• Dec 7, 2015 - 03:30


I've been attempting to connect Musescoreto JACK, but every time I do I get XRUNS and the sound output gets borked (lots of crackling/popping).

Running windows 8.1, Jack 1.9.10, Musescore2.0.2.

Has anybody else successfully gotten Musescore to play nice with JACK on windows?

Getting JACK support would be an extremely nice feature for me - it would allow me to route Musescore and my DAW to my ASIO soundcard at the same time, and also let me route my MIDI instruments to both Musescore and other synths at the same time, rather than having to startup and shutdown different applications to share my hardware...

Musescore is a phenomenal piece of software, I'd love to get this part of it working! Thanks


Hi there Elaeum :)

Yes I have got Jack working very successfully with Windows 10, apart from a blip immediately after the Windows 10 initial upgrade which truned out to be a badly installed sound driver.

The fact that you are getting Xruns (buffer overflows in normal audio speak) indicates that you are trying to run JACK at too low latency.

Are you trying to follow the instructions for configuration given on the JACK website for Windows users? These are not the way to go. Instead do everything from QJackCtrl.

This is a screenshot of my settings window.....

This may help you - sample rate should match the soundcard, but if you are getting Xruns you need to adjust Frames/Period upward until they stop.

After 12 months or so I am just beginning to find my way round the idiosyncrasies of JACK, one problem being the bewildering lack of links to documentation for Windows users.


first i'm sorry for my bad english.
i have more o less the same problem with m-audio audiophile 192.
the card is set to default to 44.000 hz and 256 asio buffer size.
when i start musescore the buffer is changed from 256 to 4096.
latency increases dramatically.
i tried with reaper, podium and cubase elements. there aren't changes.
I took me a day to realize that the increased latency when started muse.
i think that the structure of muse change the buffer.
in muse 2.0.2 is possible to change only the frequency.
perhaps it is the same event that occurs with jack
I'm sorry I can not use muse

to complete:
i use windows 10 with driver 6.0.8 by m-audio
in the past i have used ubuntustudio with jack... I had almost always the same problem with jack

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