File Location Issue

• Dec 10, 2015 - 17:09

With reference to , if I open a file from within MuseScore by first navigating to its folder, and then click "Save As" to rename the file, MS does NOT automatically save it to the folder where the original file came from. This seems odd, and is also frustrating. I'm using Windows 8.1.


It should default to the last folder you did a "Save As" to. This ends up being better than defaulting to the folder you opened from, because it allows you to quickly save a bunch of files to a new location but keep the same new location for all of them. And even if you want them saved to the same location as the input, you pnly need to set that once and it keeps saving to that folder. The only situation where defaulting to the input location would be a win is if you are saving exactly one file from lots of different folders, and want each to go to the original folder. But this wouldn't be a very common use case.

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