Two-sided Page Layout: Changing Left or Right margin in one side causes mirror change in the other

• Dec 12, 2015 - 21:50

The handbook and Mastering MuseScore indicate that checking "Two-sided" in Layout: Page Settings allows the odd and even pages to be set to different margins. This only seems to work for the top and bottom margins in v. 2.02. The side margins are linked, with a change in the Left or Right margin in one side causing a mirror change in the other side.

I have a two-page score which I want to print with wider side margins on page 2 than on page 1, in order to tighten up the refrain layout without redistributing the measures. But when I change the Left margin to 1.2" in Odd Page, for example, it automatically changes the Right margin to 1.2" in Even Page.

Is there any way to unlink the Odd/Even side margin settings in Two-Sided page layout?

If not, is there some other setting that will yield the same result?

I'll attach the score in question (which originated from a Music XML file exported from Finale), but the margin settings work the same way with my other v.2.02 scores too.

And, while I'm at it, can I set my preference to inches instead of defaulting to mm every time I open the program?


Attachment Size
Olin-When the Nothing M2 question.mscz 24.67 KB


Two sided layout means different odd and evem, but not totally independent - it's meant to allow different *inner* and *outer* margins.

In theory you could make inches the default if you made that change, saved the resulting style via Style / Save Style, then set that as your default style via Edit / Preferences / Score. Not sure that setting would actually be honored, but worth a shot...

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

If the program is set up for an automated mirror scheme, maybe it would be helpful to make that clear in the documentation, especially since that's a change from v 1.3.

It's a rare case to want different margins on different page spreads within a score, so it's no big problem. If I desperately need to, I can always run the score through v 1.3 instead.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I like your suggestion, Marc. The only down-side is that I print to PDF, and it would take a bit of fiddling to consolidate pages from two files into a single PDF file every time I make a change to the score.

Did you notice the solution I posted, adding frames to push the score in on the "narrow" page? It takes a couple of minutes to set up, but once it's done, it's done, and I only have to monkey with one file.

Of course, I can't load a 2.0 score into 1.3. But I can export the 2.0 score to xml, and open that in 1.3. That isn't worth doing, though, when such a minor adjustment is all I want.

In reply to by Linda O

The downside of the frame solution is that it locks you into that system layout - it fails as soon as anything changes that affects which measures are on which system. Similarly, expoerting to MusicXML and importing to 1.3 will lose a *ton* of formatting. But whatever suits your purpose is fine, I was just making another suggestion.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Exactly so.

In this particular score, locking the systems into place on that page suits my nefarious purposes perfectly. If I didn't want to do that, the whole matter of changing the margins wouldn't have arisen.

I agree, the loss of formatting is a big deterrent to running a score through MusicXML to v 1.3. That's why I scrounged for a workaround within v 2.0.

BTW, I'm discovering more and more handy features in v 2.0. Maybe some were in v 1.3 too, and I just didn't know it, but I think most are new.
The Split Measure command alone is going to save me a lot of time on my hymn layouts. And I like the precision of the offset controls in the Inspector, although I can't seem to get the hang of clicking the UP arrow to move a selection DOWN. I'm figuring out ways to use the header/footer to advantage too. For example, I often send multiple settings of the same hymn text to my posse of music ministers for comparison; if the scores extend to more than one page, it's great to have a header with $:workTitle: on the extra pages, so they know at a glance which version they're looking at.

In reply to by Linda O

Those are indeed all new features in 2.0. The "backwards" nature of the controls for vertical offset does indeed take a little getting used to. Internally it makes sense because the measurements are *stored* that way throughout MuseScore - the 0, 0 point is the top left corner, positive numbers move down and to the right. There has been some talk of ways of hiding this fact in the Inspector, but nothing concrete.

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