Mid-Measure Fine

• Feb 11, 2011 - 14:05

I am putting a Clarinet/Piano duet into MuseScore, and it calls for a Fine in the middle of a measure (see attached). I can achieve the desired result visually by adding the Fine (which goes to the end of the measure), then dragging it back over the spot I want it. I assume getting it to play back correctly is not currently supported (it plays the whole measure before it stops), so I wanted to put in a request for this if possible.

Attachment Size
midmeasurefine.png 34.28 KB


I also forgot to mention that the original copy shows a double bar line after the half note and first eighth note, but I can't get that to work either. I also assume mid-measure bar lines aren't possible right now, so I wanted to throw that request in as well.

In reply to by newsome

If you need a Fine in the middle of one measure, you can create two measures with different actual values. You will also be able to put the right barline.
If you don't care about playback you can put an artificial barline before a note by selecting a notehead and double click a barline in the barline palette.

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