Additional Accidental Displayed

• Feb 16, 2011 - 10:57

The opposite problem of this .

When viewing this score In the trunk (2.0 nightly build 3996), pay attention to the additional accidental marking at the first non-tied note in bar 6.

The score was created in 1.0 and (correctly) doesn't display it.

There's seemingly been a few problems with the score - see this .

Wasn't sure if I should post about this, but it might help.

Attachment Size
Additional accidental.mscz 4.26 KB


I'm unable to check in the nightly builds if it's fixed (all I see is rectangles at the moment) - can someone do it for me and possibly file an issue?

I would say that is a bug in MuseScore 1.0 and the nightly build is correct. It should show an accidental after the tied note in measure 6.

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