cursor does not advance to next note

• Jan 7, 2016 - 19:10

This has happened twice now and I don't know what I did to cause it and I don't know what I did to fix it, either! When I begin to write notes, I must play the first one from the qwerty keyboard and then the rest can come from my midi keyboard [Carbon 49]. Fine, it's always worked this way. But, as I said, twice now the cursor will not advance and the 2nd note, played on the midi, is entered as a chord with the first note instead of a second, separate note. If I enter all the notes from the qwerty keyboard, the cursor advances and notes are written just fine. It is only when I use the midi that this has happened. I suspect I hit a key on the qwerty board that initiated this behavior, but I don't know this to be a fact. Any ideas how I can remedy this? I can find no mention of this in the handbook.
Much appreciated!


I can't think of anything that might cause anything like what you are seeing, except maybe if you are using multiple voices and you have encountered a "hole" in one of the voices. Or it could be related to whatever odd thing is going on that requires you to enter the first note some other method - that's not normal either. It seems either something is corrupt in your score, or your keyboard is sending soemthing other than standard "note on" messages.

Not that I expect it will prove helpful, but it never hurts to post the specific score you are having trouble with and precise steps to reproduce the problem.

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