FluidSynth Problem

• Feb 20, 2011 - 17:19

When I try to play this score using the FluidSynth soundfont, it just causes a loud pop when the viola plays (or if you stop it before).

Unless you change the soundfont, no score will play after this (restarting the program fixes it).

Using MuseScore 1.0 and Mac 10.4.11.

Attachment Size
Cyan.mscz 2.27 KB


I know this to be a problem with the General User GS soundfont on both Mac OS and Windows. I see from previous discussion that it is the marimba that is problematic, which means that this otherwise very nice soundfont is worse than useless to me. I'd recommend telling the maker of the soundfont that it has this bug.

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Or it might be a problem in Fluidsynth that MuseScore just inherited.

While I was initially pretty high on that soundfont, I'm finding that while it does *certain* instruments well, others are really nowhere near as good, and the balances seem like they usually need more work than other soundfonts. So I'm not using it so much any more. I'm often sticking with the one that comes with MuseScore, because I know that's what others will hear if I share my scores. I also have a couple of larger soundfonts I use on occasion.

Some day, it might be nice to see a really well-designed larger soundfont included (perhaps as an option, to save space) with MuseScore, rather than depending on whatever one can scrounge up from the net.

I have created a special version of GeneralUser GS for use with MuseScore. It can be downloaded from my GeneralUser page .

In short: I removed one of the two sound layers from the Marimba preset and that solved the problem. This problem does not occur when I use FluidSynth 1.1.3 standalone under Kubuntu (perhaps MuseScore uses an older FluidSynth version?).

Please let me know how it works for you, and of course, if you run into any more glitches, I'll be happy to look into them.

Thank you,

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