G clef with 22 on top?

• Feb 8, 2009 - 19:25

Hi! :)

Is it possible to have a G clef with 15 on top of it? :)



Sure! It's already in the version 0.9.4. Just download the last version here. Once installed, in the Clef palette, you will see the G clef with 15 (together with the G with 8 on top and below). You can drag and drop it from here to your score.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hi, :)
I apologize, if I'm incorrect. I don't know music that well, but I think that from the lowest clef you have, F with 15 underneath (which I think is two octaves lower than the F/G with 8 underneath), and to the highest clef that you have, (G with 15 on top, which I think is two octaves higher than the G) it's 6 octaves. I think that the difference between G clef with 8 underneath and the F clef is very small.

I just wish for one octave higher and maybe one lower as well, if possible. :) I'm not sure it's G with 22 or what it is and F with 22 underneath or what it is, but I think you understand what I mean.


In reply to by katrine_

I don't know of any instruments that can even play music with any agility that would require a treble clef with a 22 on top. That's awfully high and would probably be painful. Most instruments that can play that high are written as octave transposing instruments anyway. eg. orchestral bells always sound 2 octaves (15ma) higher than written, and an organs 2' stops and mixtures are written the same as 8' stops.

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