Split Staff System in Lead Sheet
Hi, I am working on a series of lead sheets to use with my jazz quartet. Generally, a page of one staff, Treble systems are fine as I only need the melody line and chords. Every so often, we need to have a split staff system or two, usually for the intro to the number, then revert to single staff. Is there some way I can accomplish this, please? I am clearly not using the right keywords in help.
Thanks very much.
You're most likely looking for Hide Empty Staves
The basic idea is to have all staves present and then use that option to hide them when empty.
In reply to You're most likely looking by jeetee
Yes. I've seen reference to it. I'm assuming that would be either under layout (and I cannot see where it would be in there) or Styles, General, as that seems to be the overall formatting area. I haven't seen that command however. That said, I haven't been into every section of that area yet.
Thanks for your help.
In reply to Yes. I've seen reference to by Kat Pagett
It's under Styles > General. Select 'Score' on the left side (it's on top). The checkbox 'Hide Empty Staves' is somewhere around the middle on the right side.
If you follow the link from my previous post, you can see it on the screenshot over there.
In case you don't find it there, might we know which version of MuseScore you're using? My explanation and the screenshot are from 2.0.2.