Opening template causes crash

• Mar 3, 2011 - 19:06
S2 - Critical

ubuntu 10.04, 2.00 nightly build 4070M

Open New From template OK> crash

nota: I was not able to create a template for my own needs the access to "My template" being refused, so I created them in ~/documents/musescore/
new ones (my own) ere in
mscore binary has been unzipped in ~/musescorenightly and the launcher refer to its full path


I have no problem whith mscore1.0 whose binary is in /usr/bin/ and, apparently, the templates in /usr/share/mscore-1.0/

so presumable the problem is path or permission.......

do you know where the nightly build looks for templates?
The binary is in ~home/musescorenightly/

Odd, I thought I had responded to this. Anyhow, create from template has *never* worked for me in nightly builds, going back to probably November. It *always* crashes immediately. I assumed this was well known. File->New, select "create from template", hit next or finish, crashes every time without fail. On Windows Vista.

Thanks to Robert, I now suspect this is a path issue, but I'm not sure if it's in the code or maybe something in settings left over from a previous installation. I notice other places in the nightly builds where Linux-style pathnames seem to have been hard-coded (starting the chord style editor, for instance, in previous nightly builds, although I don't see this any more).

I found the 2 .ini on my machine, and spotted which is which with the list of last opened files.

The mscore 1.0 ini is in ~/.config/MusE/
The mscore 2.0 ini is in ~/.config/MuseScore/

Mscore 1.0 doesn't crash, and find its templates in
this path is apparently "hard-coded" since there is no entry related to templates in the .ini

Mscore 2.0 crashes, which seems odd since there is a pathes entry in .ini, see below copy of path entries:
I observe that the "Load style menu open a navigator in ~/ (and not in the path given by the .ini)


Title crash when creating from template Opening template causes crash

I can't reproduce - can you give step-by-step instructions?

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5497) - Mac 10.7.3.