Ideas for creating tie into a closing repeat?

• Mar 13, 2011 - 18:16

I have a passage of music surrounded by repeat bars, and the last note of the passage needs to be tied back to the first note. I get that MuseScore won't let me create this tie normally, because the notes I am tying are not physically adjacent. I get that it won't playback right. But I still need to indicate it visually somehow. In Finale, I used to create these using slurs, but that doesn't work so well in MuseScore because it insists on attaching the slur to whatever the physically next note is, and it's rather difficult to get it to display correctly, particularly if the tied note is the last note on the system. And it doesn't work at all if it's the last note of the piece.

I have attached a simple example. I want a tie coming out of the last note, disappearing just before the repeat bar, to make it clear that it ties into the note at the start of the repeat.

Attachment Size
tie_into_repeat.mscz 1.43 KB


In reply to by xavierjazz

MuseScore won't see to allow me to add a slur starting on the last note of the piece as is the case in my example. If it is not the last note of the piece, it *is* possible, although rather awkward, since if the note in question is at the end of a system, then the slur continues to the next system, and I have to make it invisible, as well, as try to finesse the shape of the slur coming out of the note.

I suppose an enhancement in which a slur could be made with both attachment points on the same note would be a simple way to handle this.

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