Crazy extra bar lines created

• Mar 16, 2011 - 04:39

I'm new here and to the software. I just downloaded version 1.0 for my Mac.
I'm getting crazy extra bar lines all over the place. In m.4 (bass part) I can't seem to add fill out the 3rd and 4th beats of the bar - it only accepts notes added to the next measure. But whenever I add any action - even Undo, it adds bar lines all over the place. What's going on? I have to constantly Reload to eliminate those bar lines, but that doesn't fix the problem
Thanks so much for your help!

Attachment Size
Snapshot 2011-03-16 00-34-53.jpg 126.25 KB
Chabad Nigun.mscz 6.82 KB


I deleted the two faulty measures. You will need to type those two measures out again, but the crazy extra bar lines are now gone.

If you discover a series of steps that cause these faulty bar lines to appear please share this information on the forum.

Attachment Size
Chabad Nigun.mscz 6.43 KB

In reply to by David Bolton

Dear David,

Thanks so much for your help. Unfortunately I downloaded the attachment of this file, and the problem seems to persist. I am unable to add any more beats/notes to the bass part in m.4, and when I add any action, even Undo, it adds extra bar lines. I am not sure what steps led to this - one day I downloaded the software and entered in the entire upper line melody. The next day I went back to the beginning to fill in the other parts and this happened.
If I control-click to try to get rid of a bar line, it just adds more.

In reply to by granci28

I'm checking this score with Musescore 1.0, Win7 32bit.

I find in the double-bass part measure 5, I can only enter two notes. I've deleted all measure 5's, and even deleted the double-bass measures 1-5 and still that bar only allows 2 notes. I don't see anything in measure or staff properties thats amiss. I suspect score corruption.

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