Notes are played wrong after volta

• Mar 16, 2011 - 11:32

(Affected score is page 7 and 8)

When I play the score without the repeats (deactivating the |::| button in toolbar) all notes are played well. When I activate the |::| button, notes in the second repeat are played "sustained" until the end of the piece, at the point that the music is unhearable (when set with the correct choir aah voice), and the last measure is not played at all. In the web interface the last measure is played, but the second repeat still has all "sustained" notes.

I can't get a clue of what's happening, but it doesn't seem a problem with the score, because notes are played well if I deactivate the repeats.


Your score comes from a MIDI I guess. If you right click on a note like the very last one -> Note properties and check the note offset, you'll see that it's customized. I believe it's the problem.
To fix it, I right click on this note -> select -> all similar elements. Then I right click again -> Note properties and change the offset to automatic. Attached is the result, you can edit your score on here : (Remove the file and add the new one).

Nice song btw.

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Maig.mscz 25.49 KB

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Many thanks!! You were absolutely right! The song came originally from a MIDI exported by another obsolete software called MusicTime, and I completely missed the "note properties" menu item, actually I missed the whole note context menu...

I reset all properties (velocity, ontime and offtime) to "auto" and now it plays perfect!

The song is a popular catalan song in "sardana" style (a traditional dance) and it's transcribed for my choir to study and perform.

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