continuing notation into a second page

• Mar 17, 2011 - 22:59

where is page two? working on a 48-measure vocal piece,notes and lyrics, filled one page with part of the score. the empty measures remaining and yet to be filled were pushed forward as notation progressed and did not appear in a second page. no follow-up page could in fact be found. any suggestions?


I am at end of the first page in a notation job,but cannot bring up a second page to finnish the score. will welcome another suggestion. I am new at this. thank you.

In responce to the comment by Marc Sabatella [thank you, Marc], that did not happen for me. Was I wrong in starting to add lyrics before filling all the required measures with notes. It is a learning process, for sure.

In reply to by Reuven Dobry

I think we need a clearer description. You said you have a 48-measure piece, and I gather that you saw all 48 measure originally. Are you saying that you are now seeing fewer than 48 measures and unable to see the remainder?

If so, what happens when you hit Page Down? Do you have the Navigator panel displayed? (Display -> Navigator if not.) Do you see more than one page in the Navigator? Can you drag the red rectangle around in the Navigator? Can you click in a blank area of the score and drag it around? If you enter notes or lyrics in the last visible measure and continue, I gather than MuseScore does not move the display to the next measure, but does it seem to be accepting the input?

I do find the current navigation in MS to be clumsy at times. I think the worst is that Page Down is interpreted to mean "go to the top of the next PRINTED page", rather than "move down a screen full" as in most applications. I find I definitely need the scroll wheel, dragging the score, and dragging the navigator. All this is complicated by the large number of toolbars/panels and the fact that they cannot be switched from horizontal to vertical AFAIK, reducing the amount of vertical screen space available for editing.


In reply to by paleolith

paleolith, All toolbars can be switched from horizontal to vertical. Using the toolbar handle, drag the toolbar to the left- or right-side of the window. Toolbars can also be hidden entirely. Right-click on a blank section of the toolbar and uncheck the toolbars you wish to hide.

In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks, David. I knew that I could hide them, but of course I need some. It took me a while to figure out how to get rid of the top one -- that I had to turn off "file operations" AND "transport". It isn't clear to me why there are two options for one toolbar, since I haven't found (but may have missed) any way to customize toolbars.

Handles ... wow, I would not have guessed that those were handles. (And I note that this is not documented.) I looked at the most recent nightly build and although the handles are active, they are not visible at all. I hope the skin is an ongoing work, both because of this and because my aging eyes strongly object to the white-on-black scheme.

I see that the toolbars can float, too, which is useful.

Also, it seems that the palette is handled differently. I figured out how to undock and redock it, but when both the palette and a toolbar are docked on the left, the toolbar is at the edge and the palette is between the toolbar and the score. I'm trying moving the palette to the right, which may work.

The navigator doesn't seem to have a handle. I'm not sure that moving it to the side would be useful, though some might prefer it at the top.

So, that is much better than I thought, but still seems to need some cleanup of the various ways of handling the toolbars.


In reply to by paleolith

Edward wrote: "that I had to turn off "file operations" AND "transport". It isn't clear to me why there are two options for one toolbar"

The File operations and the Transport are two separate toolbars (even though they are on the same row). To see what is what, try hiding and unhiding them as see what disappears and reappears.

The F9 palette works the same way as the toolbars. Just drag it to the right edge if you want to move it to the right hand side (make sure you are dragging to the right edge and not the top).

In current versions of MuseScore, the navigator can be vertically re-sized or hidden but it can not be relocated.

In reply to by Reuven Dobry

Regarding your comment above "was I wrong in starting to add lyrics before filling all the required measures with notes", does this mean you were adding lyrics to measures without notes? I didn't think MuseScore supported this. In order to line up words with note positions you need notes first. Could this be causing the issue?

In reply to by schepers

After some trial and error,I found page two. For the benefit of other novices like myself, page 2 of the score is to the right of page 1, not below it . You access it by sliding the image on the screen to the left. How simple! You live and learn.

In reply to by Reuven Dobry

You can also get to subsequent pages by pressing Page Down, just like in most word processors. Also, you can see miniature representations of the images laid out side by side in the Navigator window, with a rectangle showing what part of the score you are currently viewing. So you can just drag that rectangle around. If you've closed your Navigator window, you can re-open it by selecting it from the Display menu.

It's also worth noting that a "page" isn't always easily defined.

Those of us working with piano or piano-vocal scores, or anything that's normally printed with multiple systems vertically, tend to think in pages.

But think of an orchestral score, or any score with so many staves per system that there's only one system per page. An orchestral conductor's score can easily be, what, 2' x 2' opened out. With such scores, the ideal way to read it would be on a horizontal score, so that it's continuous with no page turns. Just a single very long system.

In such a case, what's a page?

Though I still think navigation in MS could be improved, the more I use the Navigator, the more I appreciate its flexibility.


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