Repetition sign in lute tablature: 3 instead of 2 points

• Feb 17, 2016 - 23:23

It would be much nicer, if the repetition sign in lute tablature has 3 instead of 2 points. In many historical sources it is that way and I think it would also look better especially if they are used for tablature lines, when the piece also have other instruments with normal notation lines.


A 3 point repeat can be found in menu item: View -> Master Palette.

Scroll through, or search for 'repeat', and you will find start and end repeats for lute tablature in the Bravura font:

Lute tab repeat.png


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Yes, it is possible to drag and drop it - but that is not, what I requested. I want to use this instead (and with the same functionality) as the now used two point repeats. I don't want to drag and drop every repeat bar line, but this should work automatically.

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