Isaac Weiss's blog

GSoC 2020 Work Product: New and Improved Multimeasure Rests and Measure Repeats

4 years ago • 6 comments

Hello, all! This is the conclusion to my GSoC 2020 blog, summarizing and linking to my work for MuseScore over the past twelve weeks.

In brief, I added support for adjusting the style of multimeasure rests, switching to old-style multimeasure rests, preventing line breaks between selected measures, automatically numbering one-measure repeats, and creating two- and four-measure repeats with MIDI playback support and the ability to import from and export to MusicXML format.

The multimeasure rest code, which can be found

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GSoC 2020 Week 12 Recap: Testing the Tests

4 years ago • 0 comments

Hello! We've reached the end (almost). The twelve weeks of coding are complete. Later this week I'll make a big post with a video summarizing the entire summer. For now, here's one last weekly recap.

Update from last week

I spent this week working on tests. The idea is to automatically warn future developers if they make a change that introduces a bug in something that was previously working. MuseScore has lots of tests in place for existing features, and

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GSoC 2020 Week 10 Recap: MusicXML in Difficult Circumstances

4 years ago • 1 comment

What a week.

What a week.

Update from last week

One sweltering day in August, a well-loved MacBook went to sleep and never woke up. During the very week when I was over 300 miles away from my (non-Mac) secondary machine.

I am amazed at how much I was able to accomplish under the circumstances. I commandeered someone else's gaming laptop, set up a guest account, and immediately began downloading at least a dozen gigabytes of stuff (Visual Studio, Qt,

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GSoC 2020 Week 9 Recap: Playback Plus

4 years ago • 0 comments

Update from last week

Since the playback algorithms already had handling for one-measure repeats, it turned out to require only small changes to get the two-measure and four-measure repeats to play correctly. (However, in some circumstances it is questionable what it is to "play correctly"—see Please don't put your musician in a circumstance where it is questionable what it is to "play correctly.") And I was pleased to find that, by investing in playback, I got MIDI export

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GSoC 2020 Week 8 Recap: Model Design and Convincing Illusions

4 years ago • 0 comments

Hello! The last week ended up being quite different than what I had planned, but some solid improvements were made nonetheless.

Update from last week

PR #6211, my multimeasure rest work, was merged! I have now opened PR #6365 for my measure repeat work.


According to plan, I added an Inspector for MeasureRepeats. Not according to plan, the ground shifted under my feet and suddenly all my files were in the wrong place. I should have had PR

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GSoC 2020 Week 7 Recap: Keeping It Together

4 years ago • 1 comment

Hello! For this week, I made a longer video:

Update from last week

I made the bond between the measures of a MeasureRepeat group much stronger, disallowing or adding special handling for as many scenarios as I could think of that would interfere with them. Among those scenarios:

  • Copying and pasting measures within a group (disallowed, unless the whole group is selected)
  • Pasting anything into a group (allowed, removes the MeasureRepeat and resets associated measures)
  • Note input within a group
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GSoC 2020 Week 6 Recap: Warning Warning

4 years ago • 0 comments
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Hello again! Last week was a bit of a mixed bag. I didn't accomplish everything I hoped to, but still, progress was made. Let's get into it.

Update from last week


My "Priority 1" issue, having to do with undo/redo, was unexpectedly fixed for me by (once again) @mattmcclinch. The "Priority 2" issue, though... I banged my head against the wall all week, and went deep, deep into the weeds with my mentor to figure

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GSoC 2020 Week 5 Recap: Laying Out Measure Repeats

4 years ago • 9 comments
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Update from last week

My goals for last week were as follows:

  • Expand MeasureRepeat class to support varying numbers under the hood
  • Draw the MeasureRepeat from the font instead of with a hard-coded path
  • Make all current uses of MeasureRepeat specify that it is the one-measure version being called (i.e., keeping same functionality, but changing implementation)

I did all of that in the first couple of days, and went on to, well, take those under-the-hood changes

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GSoC 2020 Week 4 Recap: Time Warp (ft. Matt McClinch)

4 years ago • 0 comments
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Hello, all! In the last week, I did some work a few weeks ago. Let me explain.

Update from last week

Group measures

On Wednesday I joined Marc Sabatella's weekly MuseScore livestream to demonstrate the current state of my project, and discovered a bug in my code live on the air—measure numbers were incorrect starting after a measure group.

This was a mystery to figure out because there didn't seem to be any models to follow

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