AnandHemachandran's blog

GSoC 2019: Work Product: Palette Accessibility

5 years ago • 0 comments

More Information:

My project for GSoC 2019 is Palette Accessibility and this post gives a brief description of all the work that I have done during this time period. The new Palette is designed using a QTreeWidget and it can provide the Musescore users to quickly access the elements by utilizing the ability of the hierarchical view. My idea was to implement keyboard navigation functionality to the palette. Before, we get into

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GSoC 2019: Week 12 - Adding Right-Click Menu

5 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

Complete creating a right-Click Menu Option and also make the back-end logic for each of the options for the context Menu

Work Done:

I have added the right-Click menu option for the palette item and also for the elements within each palette. I have made this by reimplementing the conextMenuEvent() of the palette to the PaletteList which provides the option to customize the paletteCellItem or the elements and also reimplementing the contextMenuEvent() of the paletteBoxButton to

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GSoC 2019: Week 11 - Setting Palette Items to the Score

5 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

Complete the drag and drop functionality for the new palette. I also planned to work on creating the Menu option for each palette items.

Work Done:

Completed doing the Drag and Drop functionality. It seems that I have missed reimplementing the mousePressEvent to get into the Drag and drop function last time, which I thought Qt will automatically handle. With the help of my mentor, I was able to finish implementing the drag and drop functionality.

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GSoC 2019: Week 10 - Setting Palette Items to the Score

5 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

Completing the drag and drop functionality for the new palette was the main work that I planned to do the last week. The other job was to create a menu option for the palette items.

Work Done:

I started the week working on reimplementing the PaletteCell structure onto the PaletteCellItem (QListWidget) later, I continued my work on reimplementing the functions responsible for the drag and drop functionality. In the process of reimplementing these functions, I faced

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GSoC 2019: Week 9 - Applying the Palette Element to the Score II

5 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

Last week I was trying to implement the drag and drop and the mouse double-clicked function to use the elements in the palette. As mentioned in the previous blog I had to start from scratch by using the PaletteCellItem (QListWidgetitem) instead of the PaletteCells.

Work Done:

Completed implementing the double-clicked functionality for the palette Element. This enables the user to apply the element to the score by double-clicking the palette element. This time I started by

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GSoC 2019: Week 8 - Setting Palette Items to the Score

5 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

Last week I was mainly trying to reimplement the drag and drop and the mouse double-clicked function to use the elements in the palette. To do these, I started reimplementing each of the function provided in the old palette to make it more relevant to the ListWidget of the new palette.

Work Done:

I couldn’t do much work last week since I had a fever for over 3 days and was recovering from that this Monday,

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GSoC 2019: Week 7 - Keyboard Navigation

5 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

In the blog that I posted last week, I mentioned that I will be implementing the Palette navigation using the arrow keys. As promised, I was also able to complete the keyboard navigation feature. This took more time than I expected since I faced some technical difficulties.

Work Done:

Completed Palette Navigation

I started by reimplementing the keyPressEvent() inside the Palette List. The new keyboard navigation allows one to go through the grid of elements uniformly

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GSoC 2019: Week 6 - Icons for the Palette Elements.

5 years ago • 0 comments

Works Planned To Do:

As mentioned in the last week's blog post, I wanted to set icons for the palette elements. To do this I had to understand how the icons for the elements were drawn, so most of the time I had to learn how the pre-existing code worked.

Work Done:

Completed setting the icons for the Palette Elements:

I started by creating a QPixmap by using a QPainter and also reimplemented the Palette::pixmap() function for making drawing the

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GSoC 2019: Week 5 - TreeWidget on a Palette

5 years ago • 0 comments

Work Planned To Do:

As mentioned in the last week, I wanted to place the icons of each element in the Palette Item. But due to certain difficulties that I had to face while using the Model-View Programming approach, me and my mentor decided it would be great to use a QTreeWidget instead of a QTreeView. Therefore, this week I had planned to work on creating a palette using a QTreeWidget instead of a QTreeView.

Work Done:

During this week,

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GSoC 2019 : Week 4 - TreeView on a Palette

5 years ago • 0 comments

This is a brief report of what all I have done in the last week as part of my GSoC project.

Work Planned To Do:

As mentioned in the previous blog, I wanted to start the week by parsing the XML file and adding the palette Items to the TreeView by using the XML file. Also, I wanted to start adding icons to the palette Items.

Work Done:

I was able to add the Palette Item using the XML file

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