
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic Layout changes in 4.5 when opening scores made in 4.4 stepaparozzi 105 vor einer Stunde
Forum topic Alto G Ocarina not transposed as it should garrettm30 3 vor 4 Stunden
Forum topic Missing the Tenor Ocarina as an instrument in Musescore rtylerturek 4 vor 4 Stunden
Forum topic Workspaces mikey12045 7 vor 5 Stunden
Forum topic Countdown in Beta 4.5 Jean-Patrick 7 vor 6 Stunden
Forum topic [SOLVED] Bugs with Multimeasure Rests in Musescore 4.5 nathandumrong 5 vor 6 Stunden
Forum topic MessageDialog code stops plugin from loading a1s2d3f4 16 vor 7 Stunden
Forum topic Warning for the new version of Musescore ILPEPITO 22 vor 8 Stunden
Forum topic REMOVING BASS CLEF FROM PART OF A SCORE kerrywri1946@g… 2 vor 8 Stunden
Forum topic Ganze Stimme entfernen Nihal Titania 5 vor 10 Stunden
Forum topic there's no I/O in preferences...doesn't recognize my USB keyboard sturnerdaniel 3 vor 11 Stunden
Forum topic How do I offset an instrument just a bit, so it plays a few milliseconds after another instrument ( gives reality to the musicians)?? fsgregs 25 vor 12 Stunden
Forum topic PDF Converter doshaug1 119 vor 13 Stunden
Forum topic Linux Plans benevolent151 24 vor 14 Stunden
Forum topic Editing note length without "eating" next notes or adding rests ? parkingb 31 vor 14 Stunden
Forum topic Can I transfer Musescore 3 scores into Musescore 4? Michael_Moon 12 vor 14 Stunden
Forum topic Vorschlagsnoten Markus Bögl 7 vor 16 Stunden
Forum topic Gleiche Noten aus verschiedenen Stimmen Markus Bögl 3 vor 18 Stunden
Forum topic Hide Rests tomarchibold 6 vor 18 Stunden
Forum topic Can't "Mass Select" notes in voice 2 bandgeekdadmu 8 vor 18 Stunden
Forum topic Single Measure Multiple Repeat mistery 23 vor 22 Stunden
Forum topic Good news MuseGuitars Vol 2 is here s1114182721 66 vor 23 Stunden
Issue Collapse Multiple Consecutive Single-Measure Repeat Measures into one Single Measure Multi-Repeat ericfontainejazz 13 vor einem Tag
Forum topic An Klaviersystem einzelne Notenzeile ansetzen kmickein 47 vor einem Tag
Forum topic MuseScore Studio 4.5 is now available! shoogle 29 vor einem Tag