shoogle's blog

OpenScore: Matching the layout of the source edition

6 years ago • 3 comments

It is extremely helpful if the layout of the transcription matches the layout of the source edition as closely as possible. This means that the transcription and the source edition should have:

  • The same number of measures per system.
  • The same number of systems per page.

This makes it much easier to spot any mistakes when it comes to the review, but don't wait until the last minute to make these changes! If you ensure the layout matches

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OpenScore: Reserving a piece to transcribe

7 years ago • 3 comments

One way to get involved with OpenScore is by transcribing a piece on your own. This is a good option if you prefer to work independently and are reasonably confident in your abilities as a transcriber. (If you are less confident then you might prefer to sign-up to take part in a group transcription first, but bear in mind that you might have to wait a while before a place becomes available.) If you transcribe a piece on your own

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OpenScore: Creating a template score

7 years ago • 0 comments

A template score is simply an empty score (no notes or symbols added) but with the correct title, composer, and all the right instruments added. Creating a template score is the first step to starting a transcription. You must create a template score before you can reserve a piece to transcribe for OpenScore.

Guidelines for template scores

Music is full of special cases so it may not be possible or appropriate to follow these guidelines in all situations. Ask if

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OpenScore: Choosing a source edition

7 years ago • 0 comments

The source edition is the score (usually a PDF file) that you are basing your transcription on. You must choose a source edition before you can reserve a piece to transcribe for OpenScore.

Rules for source editions

The source edition used for all OpenScore transcriptions:

  • must be available on IMSLP
    • If an edition is not on IMSLP but is available elsewhere then consider uploading it to IMSLP yourself.
  • must be in the public domain worldwide (in all major countries/regions)

    • We
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OpenScore: How you can get involved!

7 years ago • 10 comments

Thanks to the 1000+ backers who made the OpenScore Kickstarter a success! The campaign was the culmination of over 10 months of planning and hard work, and we're absolutely thrilled to see it come to fruition! There's no time to rest though, because now the real works begins: transcribing, checking and creating OpenScore editions.

How to get involved

There are a few ways you can help:

  1. Send us a transcription you have already done (here’s how).
  2. Reserve a
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OpenScore: First editions available! How to submit scores.

7 years ago • 34 comments

So far our Kickstarter campaign has raised 65% of the funding required to make OpenScore a success, and we only have 10 days left to get to 100%. Kickstarter funding is all-or-nothing, so if we don’t reach the target then we won't be able to review your contributions and turn them into OpenScore editions. You can help us by sharing the campaign on social media, telling all of your friends about it, and backing it if you can.



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OpenScore: Happy Birthday Gabriel Fauré!

7 years ago • 14 comments


Gabriel Fauré (12 May 1845 – 4 November 1924)

We went public with OpenScore back in February at FOSDEM 2017, when we told the world about our plan to liberate public domain sheet music. Since then, we’ve been really busy spreading the word, meeting up with partners and other interested parties, creating demos and showcase projects, and generally getting everything ready for the upcoming launch of the Kickstarter campaign (not long to wait now!).

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OpenScore: Join the transcription effort!

8 years ago • 62 comments

Exactly one month ago we introduced OpenScore to the MuseScore community, and one week ago we announced it to the world at FOSDEM, Europe’s largest open source software conference. OpenScore is a new initiative to digitise public domain music, including the works of the great classical composers like Mozart, Beethoven and Bach.

Introducing OpenScore at FOSDEM 2017

YouTube video: OpenScore - Join the transcription effort

Getting involved

OpenScore is only possible with your help. We would be extremely grateful if as many people as possible could

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Introducing OpenScore

8 years ago • 86 comments

[inline:OpenScore banner.png]

It’s an exciting time for MuseScore at the moment, with massive changes underway both in the code and on the website, helping to ensure that musicians have the tools they need to create and share amazing content! However, there is one more thing that every budding composer needs: inspiration!

It is my great privilege to announce OpenScore, the successor project to Open Goldberg and Open Well Tempered Clavier. The goal with those projects was to liberate specific

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