avoid leaving a lonely bar at the end of the score
Hi, as I put in the subject, can someone tell me how to glue the necessary bars in order to avoid the single bar at the end of the score?
Thanks in advance
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avoid single bar at end.jpg | 15.79 KB |
There are various possibilities, see:
last system fill threshold
In reply to There are various… by Shoichi
Hey Shoichi, thanks for your reply, but I've tried and still can't do it. I would put all the five final bars in a single staff. But I can´t find the way to do it. What you have said I have tried before and now, but there´s no way to do it in the page you suggest. If you have another idea, please let me know. Thanks again
In reply to Hey Shoichi, thanks for your… by Edogg
Could you attach here your score?
In reply to Could you attach here your… by Shoichi
of course. Thought I did it, but anyway here is again. Hope it get to you. And thanks again. I´d like to know how to solve this issue.
In reply to of course. Thought I did it,… by Edogg
That's not the score, it's a picture of the score. With the actual .mscz (no comma at the end) file we can look at your settings and tell you how to change them to get your results.
In reply to That's not the score, it's a… by mike320
Hey mike, yes I know that. Just thought to show my issue it would be enough in order someone could tell me how to solve it. But if it's neccessary the actual score I send it now. Hope you o anybody else could tell me how to put the bars in one staff.
In reply to Hey mike, yes I know that… by Edogg
You have a system break (it looks like a blue carriage return) at the end of the first line that prevents the final measure from being on the first line. Remove that and the measure will move up.
This is one reason a picture doesn't usually work.
In reply to You have a system break (it… by mike320
Thank you very much Mike. And I could call that "lock", since I could have seen it perfectly. Whatever. It is my insistence on formatting to a certain number of bars each system and so, I put that''return'' to achieve that goal. By the way, I could not find where to tell the program to put '' x '' number of measures per system. Do you know if you can do that?
I am very grateful for your help
In reply to Thank you very much Mike… by Edogg
it's under Edit->Tools->Add/Remove system breaks...
In reply to it's under Edit->Tools->Add… by mike320
Thank you very much again. I really appreciate
In reply to Thank you very much again. I… by Edogg
Glad to help.
You can easily use the drop down menu to the right side of the handbook pages and select a different language if you don't want Spanish.