Sharing and colaborate for education

• Nov 1, 2018 - 22:28

How can i share my scores with my students and invite them to colaborate in the creation or arrange of a score? is it possible?


You can share score on, or any cloud service for that matter. On you will need to create a profile you are willing to share with your students, other cloud services have their own methods.

One this to keep in mind wherever the score is kept, if two people download the score to edit it at the same time, the second person who saves the file will overwrite the changes made by the first. You will need to devise a method that will overcome this for collaboration to work properly.

Perhaps you can develop some rules that says anyone who has downloaded it to work on it makes a note on the site, so others will know it is being edited. The note will of course need to be updated by the user when the score is updated.

Another possibility is that you have a master score that only you update and the students have student copies. One person, presumably you, will merge changes (by copy and paste) into the master score to update it as needed.

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