No funciona

• Jun 27, 2019 - 06:22

Acabo de descargar musescore y cuando intento abrir se cierra. Ya desinstale y volvi a instalar. No se que pasa. No funciona.


Ya está!
Hice esto pero ingresé con -w en lugar de -F y pude entrar. Luego en preferencias quite el bendito centro de inicio y listo. Espero les sirva. Saludos

Instructions for Windows
If you have MuseScore open, you need to close it first (File→Quit)
Type ⊞ Win+R to open the Run dialog. Alternatively select "Start" using your mouse and type "run," then click the "Run" program.
Click Browse...
Look for MuseScore3.exe on your computer. The location may vary depending on your installation, but it is probably something similar to My Computer → Local Disk → Program Files → MuseScore 3 → bin → MuseScore3.exe
Click Open to leave the Browse dialog and return to the Run dialog. The following text (or something similar) should display in the Run dialog

C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\bin\MuseScore3.exe (actually %ProgramFiles%\MuseScore 3\bin\MuseScore3.exe)

For the 32-bit version of MuseScore in a 64-bit version of Windows, the location is

C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 3\bin\MuseScore.exe (actually %ProgramFiles(x86)%\MuseScore 3\bin\MuseScore.exe)

For the Windows Store version (Windows 10), it is pretty well hidden, search for it via Windows Explorer

Click after the quote and add a space followed by a hyphen and a capital F: -F

Press OK


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