Problemas con los nombres de acordes

• Ene 10, 2023 - 20:15

Al meter un acorde de 2 letras, por ejemplo: Dm, solo me muestra la "m". Pese a que si lo edito si me aparece la "D", pero cuando le doy a Intro desparece de la pantalla nuevamente la "D".
Por otro lado si exporto a un Pdf, aquí si que me aparece bien escrito.
Me podrían ayudar.


i used to have the same problem and i solved it by copying the document and it didn't get the error anymore, playing bad ice cream for fun.i used to have the same problem and i solved it by copying the document and it didn't get the error anymore, playing bad ice cream for fun.


When it comes to discussing chord names, one common issue is the inconsistency in naming conventions across different genres and cultures. This can lead to confusion for musicians, especially beginners, who might encounter multiple names for the same chord. For instance, what’s called a "minor seventh" in one style may be referred to differently in another. Just as clarity is vital in music, it's also essential in other fields, like aesthetics. If you’re considering enhancing your look, you might want to check out Buy Botox 50 units for a fresh appearance. The right choice can make a significant difference, both in music and life!

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