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Al subir una partitura en formato pdf, me ocurre que muchos compases aparecen con un signo + y otros con un signo -, que indican se sobran o faltan partes. ¿Alguien sabe por qué pasa esto?
Al subir una partitura en formato pdf, me ocurre que muchos compases aparecen con un signo + y otros con un signo -, que indican se sobran o faltan partes. ¿Alguien sabe por qué pasa esto?
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Es posible que el software esté malinterpretando el contenido del PDF durante el proceso de conversión, lo que genera recuentos de barras incorrectos. Esto puede suceder si el PDF no está formateado según los requisitos del software o si hay inconsistencias en la notación. boxing random
In reply to Es posible que el software… by barnettariana
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It sounds like the software is trying to interpret the layout and measure spacing automatically, which might be causing inconsistencies. It could be an issue with how the PDF was generated or how the program reads it. Have you tried adjusting the import settings or using a different PDF conversion method?
Thank you for sharing this exceptional information; it is greatly appreciated. Not only are your journals very informative and easy to read, but they are also quite humorous.
Thank you for sharing this exceptional information; it is greatly appreciated. Not only are your journals very informative and easy to read, but they are also quite humorous.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I’ve read a lot on similar topics, but your article really stood out to me. Unlike others, it left a lasting impression. I hope you continue writing insightful pieces like this one for everyone to enjoy!