MuseScore's swing feature allows you to change the playback of your score from a straight to a swing rhythm. Swing can be applied globally or only to a section of the score, and is fully variable.
Apply swing to a score section
- Click on the note where you want swing to start;
Double-click Swing in the Text palette (shown below);

Edit the Swing text as required;
- If you need to vary swing from the default setting, right click the Swing text and select System text properties... Click on the "Swing Settings" tab and adjust note duration and "Swing ratio" as required.
Swing text can be edited just like any other text element: you can change it, style it, make it invisible etc.
Triplet in tempo marking
Often this notation is used to indicate swing:

MuseScore does not have a way to include a triplet in text as a tempo marking, but there is an easy workaround:
- Add Swing text as described above and make it invisible (shortcut V, or untick "Visible" in the Inspector);
- Add an appropriate Image of the required tempo marking to the score. This can be downloaded from the bottom of the "How To" page: How to create a visual swing marking.
- Resize and reposition the image as required.
Return to straight rhythm
If you want playback to return to straight time after a swing section:
- Add Swing text to the first note or rest of the "straight" section (see above).
- Edit the text to indicate a return to straight time: e.g. "Straight."
- Right-click on the text and select System Text Properties…. Click on the "Swing Settings" tab and set "Swing to "Off."
Apply swing globally
If you wish to apply swing to the whole score, you can do so from the menu:
- Select Style → General... → Score.
- In the "Swing Settings" section, set the desired note value and "swing ratio."
External links