
Päivitetty 6 vuotta sitten
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Sanasto.

Sanasto on työn alla—auta, jos suinkin voit. Voit keskustella tästä sivusta dokumentaatiofoorumissa.

Alla oleva lista on sanasto sekä usein esiintyvistä termeistä että niiden merkityksistä MuseScoressa.

Lyhyt →etuhelenuotti.
sävellajiaan korottavan tai alentavan nuotin edessä oleva merkki. Tavallisimmat etumerkit ovat →korotusmerkit, →flats tai →palautusmerkit, mutta kaksoisylennyksiä ja -alennuksia käytetään myös. Accidentals affect all notes on the same →staff position only for the remainder of the measure in which they occur, but they can be canceled by another accidental. In notes tied across a →barline, the accidental continues across the →barline to the tied note, but not to later untied notes on the same →staff position in that measure.
Katso →Pickup Measure.
The point of attachment to the score of objects such as Text and Lines: When the object is dragged, the anchor appears as small brown circle connected to the object by a dotted line. Depending on the object selected, its anchor may be attached to either (a) a note (e.g. fingering), (b) a staff line (e.g. staff text), or (c) a barline (e.g. repeats).
Pitkä →etuhelenuotti.
Vaakasuora viiva, joka menee läpi →viivaston, viivastojen tai koko →systeemin, joka erottaa →tahdit.
Nuotit, jotka ovat aika-arvoltaan →kahdeksasosanuotteja tai pienempiä, sisältävät →vään tai palkin. Palkkeja käytetään nuottien ryhmittämiseen.
Iskuja/lyöntejä minuutissa (beats per minute) on tempon yksikkö. katso →Metronome mark
kaksoiskokonuotti tai breve on nuotti, joka on aika-arvoltaan kaksi kokonuottia.
Mikrointervalli, joka vastaa tasavireisen puoliaskelen sadasosaa.
Kuten yleisesti ymmärretään, sointu on kahden tai useamman sävelen samanaikaisesti muodostama ääni. Kuitenkin, MuseScoressa sointu on myös tekninen termi, jolla viitataan kaikkiin nuottiin, jotka ovat tietyssä kohtaa viivastolla. Käytännön syistä, soinnun saat painamalla Vaihtonäppäintä ja klikkaamalla nuottia viivastolla (ja sisältää klikkaamasi nuotin aika-arvon). Täten, jopa vain yksi sävel voi olla "sointu."
Symboli →nuottiviivaston. Sitä käytetään ilmaisemaan, mitkä nuotit ovat nuottiviivojen päällä __ ja __välissä __.
On olemassa kaksi F-avainta, neljä C-avainta ja kaksi G-avainta: F third, __F
fourth, C first, C second, C third, C fourth, G first, G second (known as treble clef too).
G first and F fourth are equivalent.
Clefs are very useful for →transposition.
Concert Pitch
Enables you to switch between concert pitch and transposing pitch (see Concert pitch and Transposition).
Demisemiquaver (BE)
Katso →Poikkeusjako.
Tila, josta voit muokata partituurin eri osia eli elementtejä.
Nuotti, jonka aika-arvo on kahdeksasosa kokonuotista (semibreve).
See →Volta.
Enharmoniset nuotit
Nuotit, joilla on sama sävelkorkeus, mutta eri kirjoitusasu. Esimerkiksi: G# ja Ab ovat enharmonisia nuotteja.
Katso →Palkki.
Merkki, joka kertoo, että nuotin sävelkorkeutta pitää alentaa puolisävelaskeleen verran.
Pieni sävel tai säveljoukko, joka sijaitsee normaalin kokoisen pääsävelen edessä. Lyhyen etuheleen eli (→acciaccaturan) varrella on poikkiviiva; pitkällä etuheleellä, (→appoggiaturalla) poikkiviivaa ei ole.
Grand Staff (AE)
Great Stave (BE)
A system of two or more staves, featuring treble and bass clefs, used to notate music for keyboard instruments and the harp.
A note whose duration is half of a whole note (semibreve). Same as British →minim.
Hemidemisemiquaver (BE)
A sixty-fourth note.
The difference in pitch between two notes, expressed in terms of the scale degree (e.g. major second, minor third, perfect fifth etc.). See Degree (Music) (Wikipedia).
In MuseScore, "jumps" are notations such as D.S. al Coda, found in the Repeats and Jumps palette.
Set of →sharps or →flats at the beginning of the →staves. It gives an idea about the tonality and avoids repeating those signs all along the →staff.
A key signature with B flat means F major or D minor tonality.
An Iranian →accidental which lowers the pitch of a note by a quarter tone (in comparison to the →flat which lowers a note by a semitone). It is possible to use this accidental in a →key signature.
See also →Sori.
Longa (lat. 'pitkä') on nelinkertainen kokonuotti.
Viiva tai viivat, jotka lisätään viivaston ylä- tai alapuolelle.
Tahti (AE)
A segment of time defined by a given number of beats. Dividing music into bars provides regular reference points to pinpoint locations within a piece of music.
Metronome mark
Metronome marks are usually given by a note length equaling a certain playback speed in →BPM. In MuseScore, metronome marks are used in tempo texts.
Minim (BE)
A minim is the British term for a half note. It has half the duration of a whole note (→semibreve).
Palautusmerkki kumoaa voimassa olevan ylennyksen tai alennuksen tahdin loppuun asti.
The operating mode of MuseScore outside note input mode or edit mode: press Esc to enter it. In Normal mode you can navigate through the score, select and move elements, adjust Inspector properties, and alter the pitches of existing notes.
Tila, jota käytetään nuottikirjoitukseen.
Underlying set of programs which set up a computer, enabling additional programs (such as MuseScore). Popular OSes are Microsoft Windows, macOS, and GNU/Linux.
Not to be confused with a sheet music →System.
Music to be played or sung by one or a group of musicians using the same instrument. In a string quartet, 1st part = Violin 1, 2nd part = Violin 2, 3rd part = Viola, 4th part = Cello, in a choir there might be parts for soprano, alto, tenor and bass. A part has one or more →staves (e.g. Piano has 2 staves, Organ can have 2 or 3 staves).
Kohotahti (→Anacrusis, →Upbeat)
Sävellyksen tai musiikkikappaleen osan ensimmäinen vajaa tahti.
Katso myös Luo uusi partituuri: Tahtiosoitus... and Measure operations: Exclude from measure count.
Quaver (BE)
The British quaver is what is called an →eighth note in American English. It has an eighth the duration of a whole note.
See →Tuplet.
Sävel, jonka aika-arvo on neljäsosa kokonuotista (semibreve).
See →Tuplet.
Respell Pitches
Tries to guess the right accidentals for the whole score (see Accidentals).
Tiettyyn aika-arvoon määritetty äänetön hetki.
Re-pitch mode
Allows you to rewrite an existing passage of music by changing the note pitches without altering the rhythm.
Semibreve (BE)
A semibreve is the British term for a whole note. It lasts a whole measure in 4/4 time.
Semiquaver (BE)
A sixteenth note.
Semihemidemisemiquaver (Quasihemidemisemiquaver) (BE)
Sadaskahdeskymmeneskahdeksasosanuotti (tai vain 1/128-nuotti).
Katso →Poikkeusjako.
Sign that indicates that the pitch of a note has to be raised one semitone.
A curved line over or under two or more notes, meaning that the notes will be played smooth and connected (legato).
See also →Tie.
An Iranian →accidental which raises the pitch of a note by a quarter tone (in comparison to the sharp which raises it by a semitone). It is possible to use this accidental in a →key signature.
See also →Koron.
Spatium (plural: Spatia)
Staff Space
sp (abbr./unit)
The distance between two lines of a normal 5-line staff. In MuseScore this unit influences most size settings. See also Page settings.
Staff (AE)
Stave (BE)
Group of one to five horizontal lines used to lay on musical signs. In ancient music notation (before 11th century) the staff/stave may have any number of lines (the plural of 'staff' is 'staves', in BE and AE).
Step-time input
MuseScore's default note input mode, allowing you to enter music notation one note (or rest) at a time.
Sarja samanaikaisesti luettavia viivastoja partituurissa.
Katso myös →Käyttöjärjestelmä (OS).

A curved line between two or more notes on the same pitch to indicate a single note of combined duration:

  • Quarter note + Tie + Quarter note = Half note
  • Quarter note + Tie + Eighth note = Dotted Quarter note
  • Quarter note + Tie + Eighth note + Tie + 16th note = Double Dotted Quarter note

See also →Slur.


The act of moving the pitches of one or more notes up or down by a constant interval. There may be several reasons for transposing a piece, for example:

  1. The tune is too low or too high for a singer. In this case the whole orchestra will have to be transposed as well—easily done using MuseScore.
  2. The part is written for a particular instrument but needs to be played by a different one.
  3. The score is written for an orchestra and you want to hear what the individual instruments sound like. This requires changing the transposing instrument parts to concert pitch.
  4. A darker or a more brilliant sound is desired.
Katso →Poikkeusjako.
A tuplet divides its next higher note value by a number of notes other than given by the time signature. For example a →triplet divides the next higher note value into three parts, rather than two. Tuplets may be: →triplets, →duplets, →quintuplets, and other.
Katso →Kohotahti.
The velocity property of a note controls how loudly the note is played. This usage of the term comes from MIDI synthesizers. On a keyboard instrument, it is the speed with which a key is pressed that controls its volume. The usual scale for velocity is 0 (silent) to 127 (maximum).
Polyphonic instruments like Keyboards, Violins, or Drums need to write notes or chords of different duration at the same time on the same →staff. To write such things each horizontal succession of notes or chords has to be written on the staff independently. In MuseScore you can have up to 4 voices per staff. Not to be confused with vocalists, singing voices like soprano, alto, tenor and bass, which are better viewed as instruments.
In a repeated section of music, it is common for the last few measures of the section to differ. Markings called voltas are used to indicate how the section is to be ended each time. These markings are often referred to simply as →endings.

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