Release notes for MuseScore

Päivitetty 5 vuotta sitten

MuseScore was released September 21, 2010.

MuseScore is a bug-fix release that corrects more than a dozen problems, mostly critical. There are no new features in compared to 0.9.6. Below is a full list of the corrections.

  • fix #6775 : Seg. fault by double clicking any element twice
  • fix #7233 : Transpose by diminished second doesn't work (0.9.6 branch regression)
  • fix #7232 : D.S. after coda sign freezes playback
  • fix #7167 : Time signature change causes triplets to corrupt score
  • fix #7211 : Copy/Paste notes over rest of diff. durations in staves
  • fix #7142 : Crescendo & delete measures problems
  • fix #7197 : MuseScore fails to open MSCZ files with capitals
  • fix #6932 : Changing notehead of a breve crash
  • fix #7077 : Applying double-note tremolo to dotted notes fails and alter measure duration
  • fix #6937 : Measure Properties should be modal dialog
  • fix #6888 : When exchanging voice, voice 1 is removed
  • fix get keysig from plugin when concert pitch mode is set
  • fix #6735 : C# for AltoSax in default soundfont is silent
  • add access to DPI and notehead, note boundingbox and note position from plugin framework
  • fix #7150 : Changing soundfont does not work for audio export


  • New handbook for Danish
