Implode and explode

Päivitetty 7 kuukautta sitten


    The Implode command allows you to do either of the following:

    • Combine the notation of several voices in the same staff into one voice
    • Combine notation from several staves into separate voices in one staff.

    Combine notes from multiple voices in a single staff into one voice

    1. Select a range of measures in a single staff.
    2. From the menu bar, select ToolsImplode.

    All selected notes in the staff are now displayed in voice 1.

    Combine notes from multiple staves into multiple voices on a single staff

    1. Ensure that there is only one voice in each staff to be imploded;
    2. Select a range of measures in the top staff and extend this selection downwards to include up to 4 staffs.
    3. From the menu bar, select ToolsImplode.

    The notation initially in the upper staff will now be in voice 1, that from the staff below in voice 2, and so on.


    Explode allows you to do either of the following:

    • Copy a passage of single notes, in a single staff, into one or more staves below.
    • Transform the chords of a selected passage of music, in a single staff, into their constituent notes on one or more staves below.

    Copy passage of single notes to multiple staves

    1. Ensure that the passage is in voice 1 (there should be no notes or rests in other voices).
    2. Select the desired range of measures
    3. Extend the selection downwards through as many staves as you wish to copy to.
    4. From the menu bar, select ToolsExplode.

    The passage in the top staff is copied to each of the selected staves below.

    Separate a passage of chords into its constituent notes

    In this case the chords in a selected passage of music are separated into their constituent notes as follows:

    • If the passage is all in voice 1, the top note of the chord is retained on the top staff, while the lower notes are moved to subsequent staves.
    • If the passage contains multiple voices, voice 1 notes are retained on the top staff, while other voices are moved to subsequent staves.
    • All exploded notes end up in voice 1.
    1. Ensure that there are enough empty staves underneath the source staff to receive the exploded notes. Create extra staves if necessary using the Instruments panel.
    2. Choose one of two options:
      • Select a range of measures in the source staff: this allows all notes to be exploded if there are enough staves available.
      • Select a range of measures that includes both the source staff and also extends downwards to include one or more destination staves: This limits the number of exploded notes/voices to the number of selected staves.
    3. From the menu bar, select ToolsExplode.

    Notes: (1) If the selection is all in voice 1, MuseScore will discard the lowest note(s) of any chord that contains more notes than the number of staves in the selection. (2) If the selection is all in voice 1, and If a given chord has fewer notes than the number of destination staves, then notes will be duplicated as needed so that every staff receives a note. (3) Any existing music in the destination staves is overwritten. (4) If you select a partial measure, the explode command will automatically expand it to a full measure.