Musescore 4 not saving

• maalis 22, 2024 - 19:48

I've been working on a score for over an hour now and when I tried saving the file, nothing happens. First I tried saving it to my computer and even though it opens the window where you choose a location for the save etc., when I clicked "Save" literally nothing happens. I also tried to save the file to the cloud, but when I click "Save", the window just closes but nothing happens. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a way to fix this?


That sounds strange. What operating system are you using? Do you get any error messages?

Try saving the file in another directory, and make sure that you have permissions to save it there. You could also try opening another instance of Musescore, copying over all of the measures to a new file, and try saving it.

Are you, by any chance, using the feature Controlled Folder Access in Windows Security? In that case, you may have to grant Musescore access to the desired directory.…

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