Sävellajimerkinnät ovat saatavilla paletissa "Sävellajimerkinnät" perus- tai edistyneessä työtilassa. On myös mahdollista luoda mukautettuja sävellajimerkintöjä (alhaalla).
Use any of the following methods:
If you wish to change the key signature of only one staff line, leaving others unchanged:
Use any of the following methods:
If you wish to replace the key signature of only one staff, leaving others unchanged:
Use any of the following methods:
By default, MuseScore only shows cancelling naturals when the key signature changes to that of C Major/A minor (no sharps or flats). In all other cases, it simply shows the new key signature without cancellations:
However, you can opt to display cancelling naturals for all key signature changes:
From the menu, select Style → General... → Accidentals. You'll see the options:
Select one of the three options.
For example, selecting the option "Before key signature if changing to fewer ♯ or ♭" gives:
And the option "After key signature if changing to fewer ♯ or ♭. Before if changing between ♯ and ♭" gives:
Multi-measure rests are interrupted if there is change of key signature:
To turn off the display of a particular courtesy key signature:
To turn off the display of all courtesy key signatures:
Note: Courtesy key signatures are not displayed at section breaks.
To create a custom key signature:
Press Shift+K to display the Key signatures section of the Master palette.
In the Create Key signature panel, drag accidentals from the palette onto the "staff" above to create the desired key signature. Use the Clear button, if required, to remove all accidentals from the "staff."
Note: Playback of custom key signatures is not currently supported.
To move a key signature from the Master palette to a custom palette:
To apply a key signatures to the score directly from the Master palette, use one of the following methods: