MuseScore pour Jazz
Intelligent chord symbols
Chord names are automatically formatted when you finish typing—plus, they transpose with the notes.

Easy slashes
Commands to fill bars with slashes—and to turn notes into rhythmic slashes, and even accent notation above the staff.

Advanced transposition
Transpose a selected passage to any key, or by any interval—or even transpose diatonically within the same key.

Linked parts
Any change you make to any part is immediately reflected in the full score—and vice versa.

And more…
- Templates for Jazz Lead Sheet, Big Band, and Jazz Combo
- Real Book-style jazz font for text and chord symbols
- Formatting tools include adding line breaks every X measures
- Instantly switch between transposed and concert pitch
- Continuous View displays score as endless ribbon, with no layout breaks
- Easy-to-use and customizable interface
- Note entry via mouse, keyboard, or MIDI (including real-time)
- Import from other music notation software via MusicXML
- Share music online with
- Send scrolling sheet music videos to YouTube
- Rehearse on the go with MuseScore mobile apps
- Full-featured desktop software free for Mac, Windows, and Linux