JACK has stopped working under Linux since version 3...

• 28 Nov. 2019 - 14:59

(To the developers)

Hi there,

I have been regularly using Musescore for many years.

The last version I used under which JACK audio and MIDI for Linux were operational was MuseScore 2.3.2 Revision 4592407. I kept it and can still use it, but this prevents me from using the new features of Musescore 3.

Under Musescore 3 (up to 3.3.2), it is still possible to select JACK (Audio and MIDI); however the transport buttons remain disabled and it is therefore impossible to play the score in any way.

What is the issue ?

My version of Linux is AV Linux

$ uname -a
4.16.12-rt5-avl1 #12 SMP PREEMPT RT Thu Jun 14 04:35:48 EDT 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Thanks for any help that would lead to restore the correct behavior (as an Open Source software engineer, I am totally confortable with any experimentation you may suggest).

Thank you for any help you may provide,




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