barres de mesures différentes selon les parties

• 18 Mar. 2024 - 09:57

Je voudrais séparer les indications de mesures ainsi que les barres de mesures de deux parties. L'une est en 3/4 et l'autre en mesures changeantes et irrégulières.

J'ai trouvé un article en anglais, mais je n'arrive pas à appliquer ce qu'il préconise (il faut rendre invisible des barres de mesures, et sa méthode ne semble pas fonctionner sur ma version).
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?

Voici le lien vers l'article

Voici le fichier : je voudrais le Xylophone en 3/4 avec croche = croche entre les deux parties.
Cela permettrait de bien faire comprendre à chaque instrumentiste comment est conçu sa partie.

L'objectif est de créer une musique à deux pianos, mais avant je voudrais résoudre ce pb technique.


Fichier attaché Taille
essai rythmes.mscz 17.83 KB


Translated with (free version) for this English-language forum:

Different measurement of bars for different parts

I would like to separate the measure indications as well as the measure bars of two parts. One is in 3/4 and the other in changing and irregular measures.

I found an article in English, but I can't apply what it recommends (you have to make the bars invisible, and its method doesn't seem to work on my version).
Can anyone help me?

Here's the link to the article

Here's the file: I'd like the Xylophone in 3/4 with eighth note = eighth note between the two parts.
This would make it easier for each instrumentalist to understand how their part is designed.

The aim is to create music for two pianos, but first I'd like to solve this technical problem.

Thank you

Translated with (free version)

I think that you have to use a 3/4 time signature, and then manually insert extra barlines to "fake" the 3/8 time signature in the piano parts.

This involves a few steps:
1. Create some Leading space before the first note or rest of the global 3/4 time signature
2. Make that 3/4 time signature invisible
3. Select the first note or rest in the top stave, then in the Master palette (Symbols section) choose the 3 for the time signature.
4. Then select the new 3, and in the Master palette (Symbols section) choose the 8 for the time signature.
5. In the Inspector, move the new 8 so that it is below the 3.
6. Select the new 3, and move the entire time signature to the left.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for the lower piano stave.
8. Repeat steps 3-6 for the xylophone, using 4 instead of 8.
9. For the piano staves in 3/8, you must not split the bar! Instead you select the note/rest after the proposed split and place a barline from the Barlines palette.
10. Adjust the beaming for all the piano notes, to avoid beaming across the extra barlines.

To make the steps clearer:
a) The "true" time signature of 3/4 is invisible but not covered up by the "fake" 3/8 time signatures;
b) have placed the extra barlines as dashed, to show what has been added.

To be frank, it's quite a lot of work to implement in a longer piece!

Fichier attaché Taille
Fake_time_signature.png 47.55 KB
essai rythmes 2.mscz 8.52 KB

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