A frame is a rectangular space in the score into which one or more text objects or images may be inserted. In the score window the sides of the frame are marked by dotted lines (these do not show up in the printed score).
A frame may be one of three types:
Note: Although you can use frames to create extra space between systems, it is best to use spacers for this purpose.
Frames may be used to
and so on.
A text frame is a full-width rectangle placed either before the first system or after the last one, or between systems. One text block (only) may be added to the frame. The height of the frame is automatically adjusted to the height of any text block contained within it.
If the measure selected is the first one in the system, the frame will simply be inserted above the system. If the selected measure is any one but the first, it will start a new system and the frame will appear above it.
To add a text block to the text frame:
The text has the “Frame” style by default but you can change this using “Text style” in the Text tab of the Properties panel. You can also apply character formatting in the usual way.
A vertical frame is a full-width rectangle placed either before the first system or after the last one, or between systems. Several text blocks and/or images may be added to the frame.
If the measure selected is the first one in the system, the frame will simply be inserted above the system. If the selected measure is any one but the first, it will start a new system and the frame will appear above it.
To add a text block to the vertical frame apply one of the following methods:
The height of the vertical frame is automatically adjusted to the height of any text block contained within it. But you can override this using “Height” in the Vertical frame tab of the Properties toolbar.
The position of a text object which abuts directly onto the border of a vertical/text frame can be altered by adjusting the relevant margin (Top/Bottom/Left/Right) in the Vertical frame tab of the Properties panel.
For example, a left- and top-aligned text object will be pushed away from the respective border by increasing the “Left margin” and/or “Top margin”, and so on.
In the Vertical frame or Text frame tab of the Properties panel, adjust “Gap above” and “Gap below” to create extra space above/below the frame.
A horizontal frame is used to create space between the measures of a particular system with optional text and/or image content.
The frame is inserted between the selected measure and the following one.
To add a text block to a horizontal frame, right-click on the frame and select Add→Text.
You can adjust the width of the frame in the Horizontal frame tab of the Properties panel.
You can adjust the space on either side of the horizontal frame using “Left gap” and “Right gap” in the Horizontal frame tab of the Properties panel.