
frissítés ideje: 14 év

A szószedet készítése folyamatosan zajlik, kérjük, segíts, ha tudsz. Az oldallal kapcsolatos hozzászólások a dokumentációs fórumban találhatók
A lenti lista a MuseScore-ban gyakran használt kifejezések listája, a jelentésükkel együtt.

Rövid előke. Lásd →díszítőhang
A módosítójelek a hangjegyek előtt jelennek meg és megváltoztatják azok magasságát.
A módosítójeleket egy hang magasságának megváltoztatására használjuk egy darabon belül. Ugyanazokat a jeleket használjuk, mint az →előjegyzésekben , de egy adott hang elé helyezve. Módosítójelek például a keresztek, a bék ésa feloldójelek. A módosítójelek az ütem hátralévő részében az összes, a kottasorban azonos pozíción lévő hangra érvényesek, de egy újabb módosító ezt megszüntetheti.
Hosszú előke. Lásd →díszítőhang
A nyolcad hosszúságú vagy rövidebb hangok jelén van zászló vagy gerenda. A gerendákat hangok csoportosítására használják.
Lásd →metronóm jel
Egy kétszeres egész hang vagybreve olyan hang, aminek a hosszúsága két egész hangnyi.
The minimal definition of a chord is a minimum of two different notes played together. Chords are based on the choices made by a composer between harmonics of one, two or three (and more) fundamental sounds. Ex. In the chord of C, G is the second harmonic, E the fourth of the fundamental C. Now in C7, the B flat is the 6th harmonic of C and in C Maj7 B is the second harmonic of E and the fourth harmonic of G...
Sign at the beginning of the Staff, used to tell which are the musical notes on the lines and between the lines.
There are 2 F Clefs, 4 C Clefs and 2 G Clefs: F third, F fourth, C first, C second, C third, C fourth, G first, G second (known as treble key too).
G first and F fourth are equivalent.
Clefs are very useful for transposition.
Lásd →gerenda .
Grace notes appear as small notes in front of a normal-sized main note. A short grace note (acciaccatura) has a stroke through the stem, A long grace note (appoggiatura) does not.
Set of sharps or flats at the beginning of the staves. It gives an idea about the tonality and avoids to repeat those signs all along the staff.
A Key Signature with B flat means F major or D minor tonality.
A longa is a quadruple whole note.
Metronóm jel
Metronome marks are usually given by a note length equalling a certain playback speed in bpm. Beats per minute (BPM) is the unit for measuring tempo. In MuseScore, metronome marks are used in tempo .
Music to be played or sang by one or a group of musicians. In a string quartet, 1st part = Violin 1, 2nd part = Violin 2, 3rd part = Alto, 4th part = Cello.
A semibreve is the british term for a whole note. It's last's a whole measure in 4/4 time.
Tie and Slur are two words used to define a curved line between two or more notes. Slur means that the notes will be played without attack ( legato ). Tie is used between two or three ( rare ) same notes to indicate its duration:
Quarter note + Tie + Quarter note = Half note,
Quarter note + Tie + Eighth note = Dotted Quarter note
Quarter note + Tie + Eighth note + Tie + 16th note = Double Dotted Quarter note
Staff (Staves)
Group of one to five horizontal lines used to lay on musical signs. The staff appeared in the XIth Century with 4 lines (Gregorian notation).
System: Set of staves to be read simultaneously in a score.
Operating System (OS): Set of programs written in the aim to set up a computer from a lot of electronic components. Popular OS are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux.
See →slur .
Triplet (engl.)
See →tuplet
A tuplet divides it's next higher note value by a number of notes other than given by the time signature. For example a triplet divides the next higher note value into three parts, rather than two. Tuplets may be: triplets, duplets, quintuplet, and other.
Polyphonic instruments like Keyboards, Violin(s) or Drums, need to write notes of different duration at the same time on the same Staff. To write such things each horizontal succession of notes has to be written on the staff independently.