Aggiornato 5 anni fa
- Apply palette elements with a single click if there is a selection in the score
- Allow dragging notes horizontally
- Slurs, hairpins and other elements can be edited after single click
- Add middle adjustment handle for beams, for moving whole beam vertically
- Double click is not needed to reach edit mode anymore
- Introduce section break properties, bend properties, tremolo bar properties in the Inspector
- Allow access to several properties window in the Inspector
- Name of the newly created custom palette can be specified
- Accessibility: improve speech for elements with spanners
- "Don't play trill" option silenced the note playback
- Slurs on small staves were displaced in some cases
- Barline handles were drawn incorrectly after dragging one
- Strings in the Part dialogue were ambiguous
- Y Offset value of fretboards didn't restore after undoing the values being changed from Edit Mode
- Replacing a note with an accidental left the accidental on the new note
- Adding Intervals (above/below) didn't take into consideration the accidental toggle state
- Multiple chord symbols attached to same note didn't copy as part of the range
- Strings in fret diagrams without "X" or "O" displayed as "?" on Linux
- MuseScore crashed when changing a triplet's rest's duration
- Images attached to rests weren't imported from MuseScore 2
- Tremolo Bar dialog had multiple UX issues
- AppImage: system printers weren't available in the print dialog
Complete list of issues resolved and improvements implemented