Other symbols

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    The Symbols palette is a category within the Master palette and houses all symbols and text from all built-in music fonts.


    Unlike other categories in the Master palette, items in the Symbols palette are non-functional: they are for display purposes only and have no other effect on the score.

    You should find most symbols and text items you need for scoring in the Palettes panel—use of the Symbols palette should be reserved for specialist items not available in the small palettes, or on those occasions when you really do need a non-functional element.

    The Symbols palette


    To view the Symbols palette, select View→Master Palette, or use the shortcut Shift+F9.

    Selecting “Symbols” in the list of headings reveals all symbols under all subcategories. Selecting one subcategory to focus on a specific set.

    Symbols palette

    You can search for a symbol by entering a term in the Search box at the top of the Symbols section. Specify the musical font you want in the dropdown at the bottom right.

    Adding symbols to your score

    Symbols added from the Symbols palette scale in line with the score (see Staff size), but their font-size is fixed.

    If you need a symbol with an adjustable font-size, you should consider adding it instead from the Special characters palette as staff text.

    Add a symbol

    Use one of the following methods:

    • Select one or more score elements (notes, rests, barlines) then click on the desired symbol in the Symbols palette.
    • Drag the desired symbol from the Symbols palette onto a score element (note, rest, barline).

    Add to other symbols

    After adding a symbol, you can, if required, add an additional symbol to the existing one. Use one of the following:

    • Select a symbol (previously added to the score from the Symbols palette), then click on the desired symbol in the Symbols palette.
    • Drag the desired symbol onto the existing symbol in the score.

    Reposition symbols

    To reposition, you can drag the symbol, or edit the offsets in the Apprearance section of the Properties panel. You can also move the symbol using the keyboard arrows—after selecting it and entering edit mode by pressing Alt+Shift+E or F2.

    If two symbols have been joined together (see Add to other symbols, above), moving the first-added symbol moves both. However you can still move the second symbol in relation to the first.

    See also