Let ring indication and symbols

• Gen. 17, 2025 - 11:39

Hello everyone, i am composing several pieces that include the percussion section, and i have a problem that i can't solve.
I would like to insert slurs next to single notes, to indicate the expression l.v (in italian lasciar vibrare), to let ring every single notes to its natural decay.

I found, in the symbol's palette, the right slurs, but when i assign them to the notes, they don't appear right next to the notes, but inside.
Do you know how can i apply them correctly or maybe create/use another solution to my problem?
Doesn't MuseScore have any automatic slur dedicated to the percussion section?
It would be a nice future feature.


Ho buone notizie, il lascia vibrare verrà implementato nella prossima versione 4.5, in uscita a febbraio/marzo. Puoi già provarla nelle build notturne del programma.

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