MuseScore Drumline (1.0) - Using MDL Pictograms
What are MDL Pictograms and how are they used?
MDL Pictograms are illustrated symbols currently available in the Master Palette that may be used to not only communicate composer intent to a performer, but may also have a specific practical function within MuseScore.
For example, dragging the glockenspiel pictogram to a specific point in a xylophone part would not only communicate the instrument change in the score for the performer, but automatically create a mid-staff instrument change for playback within MuseScore.
Which pictograms are available in the MDL workspace and what do they do?
Pictograms allow the composer or arranger to clearly and consistently communicate to performer a desired intent.
MuseScore is unique in that it is the first and only notation software to use pictograms not only for notation, but to instantly create instrument changes for score playback with a single click.
To begin using pictograms, simply select the desired note in the score you wish to change instruments or communicate to the performer and select a pictogram from the palette - done.
Palette - MDL Battery
Sticks & Mallets
Strokes & Paying Zones
Palette - MDL Front Ensemble
Instrument Changes
Mallets & Implements
Audio & Video
MDL Tutorials
MuseScore Drumline (1.0) - Download & Installation
MuseScore Drumline (1.0) - Introduction to MuseScore Drumline
MuseScore Drumline (1.0) - Using MDL Pictograms
MuseScore Drumline (1.0) - Using MDL Rails