MuseScore는 아래의 가상의 (소프트웨어) 악기를 통해 오디오를 재생합니다.
사운드폰트(.sf2, .sf3(압축된 샘플 사용))는 하나 이상의 악기의 합성된 오디오 샘플을 포함하는 파일로, MIDI 파일을 재생하는 데 사용됩니다. MuseScore 2.2는 128개 이상의 악기와 다양한 종류의 드럼·타악기 세트로 구성된 자체 일반 MIDI(General MIDI, GM) 사운드폰트 MuseScore_General.sf3와 함께 제공됩니다.
참고: MuseScore 2.0–2.1은 이전의 사운드폰트 FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3를 사용했고 MuseScore 1는 TimGM6mb.sf2를 사용했습니다.
일반 MIDI(GM)는 전 세계 표준이기 때문에 일반 MIDI를 사용하면 악보, 내보낸 MusicXML, MIDI 파일이 어떤 컴퓨터에서든 재생할 수 있습니다.
인터넷에는 다양한 유·무료 사운드폰트가 있습니다. 용량이 큰 사운드폰트는 보통 더 나은 소리가 나지만 컴퓨터에서 실행하기에 너무 무거울 수 있습니다. 용량이 큰 사운드폰트를 설치한 뒤 MuseScore가 느리게 실행되거나 컴퓨터가 음악 재생 동안 작동하지 않는다면, 더 가벼운 사운드폰트를 사용하세요.
사운드폰트를 설치한 뒤에는, 신디사이저를 사용하여 MuseScore에서 재생하는 데 (그리고 오디오 출력을 조절하는 데) 사용할 수 있습니다. 신디사이저를 표시하려면, 보기 → 신디사이저로 이동하세요.
After finding and decompressing a SoundFont (see →below), double-click to open it. In most cases, the SoundFont file type will already be associated with MuseScore, and MuseScore will start and a dialog will appear asking if you want to install the SoundFont. Occasionally an application other than MuseScore will be associated with the SoundFont file type; if this is the case, you will need to right-click or control-click on the file, so as to display a menu from which you can choose to open the file in MuseScore. In either case, when the dialog appears asking if you want to install the SoundFont, click "Yes" to place a copy of the SoundFont file in MuseScore's SoundFonts directory. This directory can be viewed or changed in MuseScore's Preferences, but the default location is:
Windows: %HOMEPATH%\Documents\MuseScore2\Soundfonts
macOS and Linux: ~/Documents/MuseScore2/Soundfonts
In contrast to user-added SoundFonts, the initial default SoundFont installed with MuseScore is located in a system directory, meant only for that purpose, which should not be modified. This directory and its default SoundFont file is:
%ProgramFiles%\MuseScore 2\sound\MuseScore_General.sf3
Windows (64-bit): %ProgramFiles(x86)%\MuseScore 2\sound\MuseScore_General.sf3
macOS: /Applications/MuseScore
Linux (Ubuntu): /usr/share/mscore-xxx/sounds/MuseScore_General.sf3
(with xxx
being the MuseScore version)
To uninstall a SoundFont, simply open the folder where its file is installed and delete it.
An SFZ consists of a bunch of files and directories, an SFZ file and a bunch of actual sound files in WAV or FLAC format, with the SFZ file being a text file that basically describes what sound file is located where and to be used for what instrument and pitch range.
Note: For full support of SFZ, MuseScore 2.1 or later is need, prior versions had only limited support, namely for Salamander Grand Piano
After finding an SFZ (see →below), you'd need to manually extract all the files that belong to the SZF (the SFZ file itself and all the subdirectories and the actual sound files within) into the directory listed above.
To uninstall an SFZ, simply open the folder where its files are installed (see above) and delete them all.
The Synthesizer is MuseScore's central control panel for sound output. Once a SoundFont has been installed, it needs to be loaded into the Synthesizer in order for MuseScore to use it for playback. To make a different SoundFont the default, load it in the Synthesizer and click Set as Default.
To display the Synthesizer, go to View → Synthesizer. For more details, see Synthesizer.
The following sound libraries conform to the General MIDI (GM2) standard. This specification gives you a sound set of 128 virtual instruments, plus percussion kits.
(13.8 MB).MuseScore_General.sf3
(35.9 MB) (SF2 version (208 MB)).Since soundfiles are large, they are often zipped (compressed) into a variety of formats, including .zip, .sfArk, and .tar.gz. You need to unzip (decompress) these files before they can be used.
ZIP is standard compression format supported by most operating systems.
sfArk is a compression format designed especially for compressing SoundFont files. Use the special sfArk software to decompress it, or use this online service:
.tar.gz is a popular compression format for Linux. Windows users can use 7-Zip; Mac users can use The Unarchiver, or macOS' built-in Archive Utility. Note that if using 7-Zip, you will need to apply decompression twice—once for GZip and once for TAR.
If the toolbar play panel is greyed out, or not visible, follow the instructions below to get your sound working again:
If you are setting up a SoundFont for the first time, please use one of the recommended SoundFonts listed above.
If playback stutters, then your computer may not not able to handle the SoundFont being used. The following advice may help: