Atjaunināts pirms 4 years
Build number |
Date |
Announcement |
macOS 10.10+:, Windows 7+ (x86/64/Portable):, AppImage: (revision: 3224f34) |
2021-02-08 | |
- Fixed an issue with gap between staff and end barline with courtesy clef
- #316502: Fixed an issue with accessibility of "score migration" dialog
- #275837: Fixed a crash related to QtWebEngineProcess after update
- #316373: Fixed an issue with appearance of part name in timeline rather than instrument name
- #316125: Fixed an issue with handling of "dockable" windows focus on visibility toggle
- #316096: Fixed an issue when custom gliss text reverts to default "gliss"
- #315963: Added missing Flügelhorns to concert bands, orchestral and big bands, jazz combos and brass ensembles
- #315677: Fixed an issue with unavailable beaming across crotchet rests
- #316610: Fixed an issue when staff spacer does not work on last system of page
- #316645: Fixed an issue with broken swapping notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right
- #315904: Fixed an issue with incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file
- Fixed an issue with unsaved default settings to pre 3.6 score after 'reset to defaults'
- #316896: Fixed an issue with Banjo fifth string fret numbers
- #316555: Fixed an issue when invisible breath impacted a layout
- #316679: Fixed a crash during the opening a score with a missing section break
- #305777: Applying tremolo is a toggle operation now
- #315408: Fixed an issue when "Mixer" panel not fully shown when opened
- #316754: Fixed an issue with empty rehearsal mark not deleted after entering a line break
- #316869: Fixed an issue when multi-measure rest numbers can collide with other elements
- #316797: Fixed an issue when deleting a breath/caesura leads to selection of the wrong note
- #316559: Fixed an issue when part inherits non-default style from score
- #316441: Fixed a crash when changing time signature in front of a corrupted measure
- #316571: Updated a close icon for Import Midi Panel (and Find/GoTo)
- #315779: Fixed an issue with auto-size of vertical frame when dragging the height handle