Text basics

Atjaunināts pirms 5 years
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Text basics.

    Add text

    To add a text-based element to the score, use one of the following general methods:

    • Keyboard shortcut: For example, press Ctrl+Tto enter Staff text , Ctrl+L to enter Lyrics, and so on.
    • Menu command: AddText allows you to chose from a range of text-based elements.
    • Workspace: Select a note and double-click an icon in one of the palettes; or, alternatively, drag a symbol from a palette onto the staff. e.g. Swing text, Tempo text etc.

    Notes: (1) The exact method depends on the type of text you are adding (see Text). (2) For general-purpose text boxes attached to staves, see Staff and system text.

    Format text

    Every text-based element in the score has three levels of formatting:

    • Text style: This is the highest level of formatting and applies to all text elements in the score of a particular type. For details, see Text style.
    • Text properties: This applies to the style of one specific text object only. For details, see Text properties.
    • Character formatting; The style applied to individual text characters during editing. For details, see Text editing.

    Adjust position of text objects

    To position a text object, use any of the following methods:

    • Drag the object.
    • Select the object and adjust the horizontal or vertical offset values in the Inspector.
    • Select the object and apply any of the following keyboard shortcuts:
      • : Move text left 0.1 staff space.
      • : Move text right 0.1 staff space.
      • : Move text up 0.1 staff space.
      • : Move text down 0.1 staff space.
      • Ctrl+ (Mac: +): Move text left one staff space.
      • Ctrl+ (Mac: +): Move text right one staff space.
      • Ctrl+ (Mac: +): Move text up one staff space.
      • Ctrl+ (Mac: +): Moves text down one staff space.

    Text anchors

    When you apply a text element to the score, its anchor position will depend on the type:

    • Title, Subtitle, Composer, Poet: Anchored to a frame.
    • Fingering: Anchored to note heads.
    • Lyrics: Anchored to a time position (a note/chord, but not a rest).
    • Chord symbol: Anchored to a time position.
    • Staff text: Anchored to a time position.
    • System text: Anchored to a time position.

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