Forum topic |
Play Won't Work! |
SamanthaK216 |
vor 2 Jahren |
Forum topic |
No sound in MuseScore 3.3 RC1-3 after waking up from hibernation (Windows 10, 1903) |
enkidu |
vor 2 Jahren |
Issue |
Additional brass instrument "Baritone horn (Central Europe)" for the list of instruments. |
enkidu |
vor 2 Jahren |
Issue |
Add an option to set the default font for all text types. |
Sambaji |
vor 3 Jahren |
Issue |
Some custom shortcuts no longer work in Windows 10, MuseScore 3.x |
enkidu |
vor 3 Jahren |
Forum topic |
LilyPond to XML to MuseScore |
Gene Gaunt |
vor 3 Jahren |
Forum topic |
German translation "Skalierbare Vektorgrafiken" for export format "SVG File" (export dialogue box) |
enkidu |
vor 3 Jahren |
Forum topic |
Outdated download site for MuseScore nightly builds (Windows) |
enkidu |
vor 3 Jahren |
Issue |
"Invisible" menu text in MuseScore's Dark Theme (Windows) |
enkidu |
vor 3 Jahren |
Forum topic |
MuseScore 4.0 Nightly MacOS Compatibility |
Joshua Mastachi |
vor 4 Jahren |
Forum topic |
Dragging a file to the MuseScore icon causes to forget last session |
fmiyara |
vor 4 Jahren |
Issue |
Open with double-click/drag to icon without losing last session |
enkidu |
vor 4 Jahren |
Issue |
Edwin: typographic apostrophe not accessible via shortcut on Windows |
enkidu |
vor 4 Jahren |
Forum topic |
Instrument Tenorhorn |
vor 4 Jahren |
Forum topic |
Better typographic support? RFC |
Miwarre |
vor 4 Jahren |
Forum topic |
Confusion as to x/y axis |
xavierjazz |
vor 4 Jahren |
Issue |
Include .xml suffix for export |
mike320 |
vor 4 Jahren |
Issue |
User fonts not visible to MuseScore 3 (Windows 10) |
enkidu |
vor 4 Jahren |
Forum topic |
Unable to use Jazz font in Musescore 3 |
SodapopTrumpet |
vor 4 Jahren |
Issue |
Option to disable the pop-up "Reset the positions of all elements?" |
enkidu |
vor 5 Jahren |
Forum topic |
Nachfrage-Pop-up "Position aller Elemente zurücksetzen" bitte deaktivierbar machen |
enkidu |
vor 5 Jahren |
Issue |
Wrong Sound for Brass Instrument Cimbasso |
enkidu |
vor 5 Jahren |
Forum topic |
Option to deactivate the message box, which asks to revert positions to default values, when opening 2.X score |
enkidu |
vor 5 Jahren |
Issue |
FreeSerifs kerning for the (small) letter f does not work properly (MuseScore 3.x) |
enkidu |
vor 5 Jahren |
Forum topic |
Opera Browser blocks keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+End) in MuseScore for Windows 10 |
enkidu |
vor 5 Jahren |