MuseScore 0.9.6 released

• jun 8, 2010 - 13:33

We are proud to annouce the release of MuseScore 0.9.6, our best and most stable release up to date!
Downloads are available for Windows, Mac, Ubuntu and a Linux tarball.

This release comes with many new features, a lot of fixed bugs, new and updated translations, an improved plugin framework and many more improvements. Read more about new features in MuseScore 0.9.6 in your own language: English, Български, Ελληνικά, Français, Galego, Ialiano, Nederlands, Norsk, Português brasileiro

The MuseScore community grows

While comparing release notes of MuseScore 0.9.5 with the 0.9.6 release notes, we can easily notice that our contributor community is growing. More than 60 people were involved with 0.9.6 which means our contributor community doubled in size in the past 8 months. This is great news but let's find out why this happened.

First of all, with the release of the online translation server in January 2010, the number of MuseScore translators has been doubled. 26 languages are now actively being translated and the quality has gone up a lot. There is however still a lot of place for improvements. The translation server interface will be improved in the coming months, which will lower the barrier to contribute your translation even more. Also new features will be added to facilitate communication between translators, which should improve the overall quality of the translation.

A second reason to explain our growth, is the improved plugin framework in MuseScore. Many internal methods in MuseScore are now available for plugin developers and nicely documented in the plugin development handbook. This attracted new plugins developers and resulted in 9 new plugins. Among them are a Recorder Fingering plugin, integration with and Score Statistics. Do you have an idea for a plugin yourself? Don't hesitate to post it in the plugin forum!

More communication is the third reason for growth. If you want to get in touch with the MuseScore developers, there is now the #musescore IRC channel on If you don't have use an IRC client, you can always easily connect via or Simply choose a nickname and fill in the #musescore channel name and you are one click away from asking a question to one of the MuseScore developers. For support, we do advice to keep on using the forum, but for developers questions, you now know where to go to.

Give your scores a social life

Nowadays, we share our pictures on Flickr and our videos on YouTube, but what about our scores? MuseScore 0.9.6 comes with a new feature on board to save your scores online to From there you will be able to play your scores online and share it with friends. is still under heavy development, but you can leave your email address in case you wish to be invited for beta testing the service.

Support MuseScore

Share the news of MuseScore 0.9.6 on Twitter, Facebook or other social networks. Tell your friends how good MuseScore is for you! You can also help MuseScore with your donation.

As always, don't hesitate to leave a comment on this post with your questions or remarks.


Well done! I am so impressed with MuseScore thus far, and I use it for all my composing and typesetting. Keep up the good work, and know that there are thousands of people who benefit from you developers' contributions. Your work is well appreciated!


First: I took the file from source of now coming version 0.9.6 of MuseScore and almost all of untranslated/fuzzy strings completed. I send it in attachment to this post. (I let strings like: OnTime, OffTime - I am not sure how to translate it: "On" means, that time is "on" and "Off" means, that time is "off"?).

Second: I saw that there is qt.cs file in locale, but untranslated. The situation with "qt" translation should be as now described from me: I made "qt" translated in autumn of last year, completed in January, and submitted it through Git in February (I think). So I send it in attachment too, simply to be sure - if it is necessary for programs running on Windows or anywhere, where "Qt" is not installed. I didn't made any revision of that translation from February - it's quite big file. :-) And I didn't find time to read "Book of Git" yet. :-)

Anexo Tamanho
mscore_cs.ts 289.4 KB
qt_cs.ts 407.33 KB

In reply to by Thomas


I didn't made such thing before, but hopefully, there aren't much texts in web interface. Could you give some reference, how to begin? (I have only experience with translation of "wiki" documentation of QElectroTech - programmer made czech docuwiki page as begin, and I've simply continued.)

In reply to by Thomas

I can't see a translation tab
(I won't translate into Czeck, don't speak that language at all, but possible into German, it's main page does exist but seems quite outdated)

Bye, Jojo

This is mentioned in the new features page (; but it doesn't seem to be working as I would have expected. Is this supposed to be the function I recommended last November (, where you can double instruments in a score, e.g., have a sax player pick up a flute? If so, it's acting strangely in that, when I click in a blank place on the staff and click Staff Properties > Change Instrument, it wants to change the instrument throughout the score, as evidenced by the instrument label changing at the beginning of the score. Or did I misinterpret the phrase "Change an instrument for an existing staff"?

Thank you very much.

I downloaded Musescore 9.6 and installed it without error messages. I then found that I still had 9.5 installed (I thought it would be overwritten by 9.6), so I unstalled it. Then when I brought up 9.6, I found I couldn't access either the local or the on line help, though they both worked fine in 9.5. So I uninstalled 9.6 and installed it again, but still can't access wither help. Using either the menu item or the F1 key results in just nothing happening at all. Is there supposed to be a help in this version?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks, I went to C:\Program Files\MuseScore\man\MuseScore-en.pdf on my computer and clicked on it and it works fine, so obviously my Adobe works. But I tried again and neither the Local Handbook nor the On Line Handbook functions do anything at all in 9.6. This is very puzzling, since I used them both in 9.5 about ten minutes before I installed 9.6 and they worked fine. And I had no error msg in the 9.6 installation and didn't tamper with anything after I installed it. Does anyone else see this problem?

Actually, looking at it again, I'm not sure I should have said it works fine. The pdf file housed in my C:\Program Files\MuseScore\man\MuseScore-en.pdf has a heading saying it is for version 0.9.2 and above, and that it was "Retrieved from on Mon, 06/07/2010". If I understand, 0.9.6 was released on 06/08/2010. So is what I have really the manual for the 0.9.6 release?

I've downloaded the latest version to run under Lucid, but the splash screen still shows the beta version, and so does the 'About' tag. How can I tell which version I've got, and how do I download and install the stable version?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Operating system: Ubuntu Lucid (10-04), new installation (no upgrade)
As described at '' page I followed these steps:

After these steps, using Ubuntu Software Center, I've installed MuseScore, but the version installed is the "Unstable Prerelease for Version 0.9.6, Revision 2613".
No problem on my laptop with Windows XP.

Is there something wrong?

In reply to by Thomas

Now, at 17.38 pm (in Italy), no more problems: without any upgrade in 'source.list', with Ubuntu Software Center I've installed MuseScore Version 0.9.6 Revision 3145 and it works fine.
Best regards

Thank you to all who contributed to this marvellous project! Version 0.9.6 has some great new features, and it is a pleasure to explore it. Also congrats to the guy who made the new program icon, I like it a lot (well that's just the first thing that crossed my mind umm... eye, but there's a lot more great stuff of course). I feel the MuseScore-Project will be very successful in the future, and I hope I can contribute some useful things. All the best and thanks again,


Musescore 9.6 has a new and much more complicated transpose box. That's fine for those who want it, but I really, really miss the old simple box which just let you move up and down by n intervals. Unless I'm missing it, this just isn't there any more. Can this be added again as an option?

Also, there's apparently no help in the handbook for transpose. Shouldn't there be such a section?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks for the reply, but the box is still confusing for beginner composers like me. My memory of the old box was that you just needed to click an arrow to transpose everything up or down by 1 interval, or two, or whatever. If I try to transpose with the new box, my options are given with the technical music terms major/minor/augmented/diminished etc., which no doubt are clear to any even basically experienced composer, but that is a category that does not include me. Eventually I'll learn about those things, and I think I have some books I can look them up in, but as a real beginner I can't interpret them, whereas just moving everything up or down by n intervals, with the new key signature conveniently put in for you, was something that even a complete beginner like myself could easily understand and use. One of the advantages of Musescore I think is exactly that it is something that can be used by composers with a wide range of experience, from rudimentary to advanced, and the new transpose method seems to exclude some of the former.

Hi Folks,

Just been playing around with Sibelius, Notion3 and MuseScore and I have to say that in terms up "up and running the fastest", MuseScore wins hands down.

I'm studying composition right now (from the beginning) and for my kind of stuff, MuseScore (+the Fluid GM soundfont) offers everything I need.

Well done! I look forward to trying out my new-found skills using the program!



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