Настройка голосов инструментов

Updated 15 years ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 1.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Настройка голосов инструментов.


Микшер позволяет Вам изменить звук инструмента и настроить громкость, панораму, реверберацию и хорус для каждого нотного стана. From the main menu choose DisplayMixer to show the mixer.

The mixer shows dials for each part

Mute and Solo

Use the Mute check box to quickly silence certain staves. Alternatively use the Solo check box to silence all staves except the staff you mark as "solo".


To turn a dials clockwise click and drag upwards. To turn a dial counter-clockwise (anti-clockwise) click and drag downwards.


The sound drop-down menu lists every instrument supported by your current SoundFont . This feature is not implemented in version 0.9.4 or earlier for Windows, but fixed in version 0.9.5.

Mid-staff change

In MuseScore some instruments can change sounds midway through a piece. For example strings can switch to pizzicato or tremolo and trumpet can switch to muted trumpet. The following instructions use muted trumpet as an example but the same principles apply to pizzicato or tremolo strings.

  1. Select the first note of the muted section
  2. From the main menu choose CreateTextStaff Text
  3. Type Mute (or an equivalent indication such as Con Sordino). At this point the staff text is for humans and does not affect playback in MuseScore
  4. Right-click on the staff text and select Staff Text Properties...
  5. In the Staff Text Properties dialog mark the Channel checkbox
  6. In the Staff Text Properties dialog select mute
  7. Click OK to return to the score

Every note after the staff text you added now sounds muted. To return to an unmuted sound later in the piece follow the same guidelines as above except type Open in step 3 and select normal in step 6.