Ввод нот

Updated 7 years ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Ввод нот.

    Простой ввод нот

    Для добавления нот и пауз на нотоносец выполните следующие шаги:

    1. Выберите начальную позицию для ввода
    2. Войдите в режим ввода нот
    3. Выберите длительность ноты (или паузы), которую вы собираетесь добавить
    4. Введите ноту (или паузу) с помощью клавиатуры, мыши или MIDI-клавиатуры

    Вы можете пропустить второй пункт, если пользуетесь горячими клавишами. Их использование автоматически включает режим ввода нот.

    To add overlapping notes that start/end at different times (polyphony), see Voices. For chords, continue reading here.

    Step 1: Starting position

    First, select a note or rest on the score as your starting position for note input. If you don't select a starting point, the cursor will be at the beginning of the score when you begin note input (see below). Note input in MuseScore replaces the existing rests or notes in a measure with your new notes (i.e. overwrites, rather than inserts). However, you can insert new measures at any point (see Measure operations: Insert), or use copy and paste to move a passage of notes.

    Step 2: Note input mode

    The "N" button at the left on the Note Input toolbar indicates whether you are in note input mode. To enter or leave note input mode, you can click on the button, or you can use the shortcut N. To leave note input mode, you can also hit Esc.

    Step 3: Duration of the note (or rest)

    After entering note input mode, select the duration you need from the Note input toolbar, or use the corresponding shortcut.

    Note that if you have an irregular rhythm division (such as three eighth notes in the time of two), see Tuplet

    The shortcuts for selecting the duration are as follows:

    • 1: 64th (hemidemisemiquaver)
    • 2: 32nd (demisemiquaver)
    • 3: 16th (semiquaver)
    • 4: Eighth (quaver)
    • 5: Quarter (crotchet)
    • 6: Half (minim)
    • 7: Whole (semibreve)
    • 8: Double whole (breve)
    • 9: Longa
    • .: A period (dot) changes the selected duration into a dotted note/rest

    Step 4: Enter pitch (or rest)

    For all instruments (except unpitched percussion), you can add note pitches using the mouse by clicking directly on the staff. (For instructions specific to percussion see Drum notation). However, you may find it quicker to use a MIDI keyboard (see below), or your alphabetical computer keyboard. The following examples use the latter method.

    Enter pitches by typing the corresponding letter on your keyboard: C D E F G A B C

    Notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C

    0 (Zero) creates a rest: for example, typing C D 0 E gives the result shown below. Notice that the duration you select for the notes (quarter/crotchet notes in this example) also determines the duration of the rest (quarter/crotchet rest).

    C, D, rest, E

    During note input, the cursor automatically advances in the score. If you want to add a chord note to your previous entry, hold Shift and enter a note name: C D Shift+F Shift+A E F

    C, D minor triad, E, F

    To create chords with notes of different durations, see Voices.

    If you want to create a dotted note, press . after selecting the parent note (or duration shortcut). For example, 5 . C 4 D E F G A gives the following:

    Dotted quarter note: C, eighth notes: D, E, F, G, A

    When you type a note on the keyboard, MuseScore places it closest to the previous note entered (above or below). When entering chords, though, the new notes are added above the current note (bottom-up).
    If either of these leads to a note ending up in the wrong octave, move it up or down by using the following shortcuts:

    • Ctrl+ (Mac: +): Increase the pitch of a note by one octave.
    • Ctrl+ (Mac: +): Decrease the pitch of a note by one octave.

    Other shortcuts

    Other useful editing shortcuts available in note input mode:

    • (Up): Increase the pitch of a note by a semitone (uses ♯).
    • (Down): Decrease the pitch of a note by a semitone (uses ♭).
    • Alt+1-9: Add interval (unison to ninth) above current note
    • J: Change note up to enharmonic note (e.g., E# to F)
    • ShiftJ: Change note down to enharmonic note (e.g., F to E#)
    • Alt+Shift+: Increase the pitch of a note using key signature
    • Alt+Shift+: Decrease the pitch of a note using key signature
    • R: Repeat the last entered note
    • Q: Halve the duration of the last entered note
    • W: Double the duration of the last entered note
    • Backspace: Undo last entered note
    • Shift+: Exchange last entered note with the note before it (repeat to keep moving note earlier)
    • Shift+: Exchange note moved with Shift+ with the note that follows it
    • X: Flip direction of note stem (can be reset to Auto position in Inspector)
    • Shift+X: Move note head to opposite side of stem (can be reset to Auto position in Inspector)

    MIDI keyboard

    You can also insert pitches using a MIDI keyboard.

    1. Connect your MIDI keyboard to the computer and switch the former on
    2. Start MuseScore (this must be done after the keyboard is switched on)
    3. Create a new score
    4. Click the rest (selecting it) in measure 1 to indicate where you want note input to begin
    5. Press N to enter note input mode
    6. Select a note duration such as 5 for quarter notes (crotchets), as described above
    7. Press a note on your MIDI keyboard

    The pitch should be added to your score.

    Note: The MIDI keyboard enters one note or chord at a time. This mode of note input (often called "step-time entry") is fast and reliable. Some notation software try to interpret "real-time entry", in which the musician plays a passage and the software tries to produce notation. However, such results are generally unreliable. MuseScore focuses on more reliable forms of note input.

    If you have multiple MIDI devices connected to your computer, you may need to inform MuseScore which is the MIDI keyboard. Go to EditPreferences... (Mac: MuseScorePreferences...). In the preferences dialog, click on the I/O tab and select your device under the section labeled "PortAudio".

    Coloring of notes out of an instrument's range

    Notes within the playable range of an instrument or voice part appear black, while those extending beyond the normal range of an instrument are marked red. For some instruments, the range depends on the skill of the musician. For these instruments, notes outside the range of an early amateur appear dark yellow, and notes outside the typical range of a professional appear red.

    Notes out of range

    The colors are informational and appear on the computer screen, but not on printed copies. To disable note colors, choose EditPreferences... (Mac: MuseScorePreferences...), click on the Note Input tab, and unmark "Color notes outside of usable pitch range".

    Small notes/small noteheads

    1. Select the note(s) you want in small size.
    2. Check the "Small" checkbox in the Inspector. The one in the Note section is used to only change the size of the individual notehead; the one in the Chord section will change the note head, stem, beam, and flag sizes all together.

    By default, the small size is 70% of the normal size. You can change that setting in StyleGeneralSizes.

    Change notes already entered

    Change duration

    To change the length of a single note or rest:

    1. Make sure you are not in note input mode (press Esc to exit) and have no other notes selected.
    2. Click on the note or rest and use the duration shortcuts listed above, or the duration icons in the toolbar, to change it to the duration of your choice.

    Increasing the duration will overwrite the notes or rests that follow it; decreasing the duration will add rests between it and the notes or rests following.

    For example, to change three sixteenth rests into a single dotted eighth rest:

    1. Click on the first sixteenth rest.
    2. Hit 4 to turn it into an eighth rest.
    3. Hit . to turn it into a dotted eighth rest.

    As the duration increases, it overwrites the other two sixteenth rests following it.

    Change pitch

    To change the pitch of a single note, first press Esc to make sure that you're not in note input mode and that you have no other notes selected; then either drag the notehead up or down with the mouse, or else select it and use the (Up) or (Down) keys to change its pitch. You can also type the letter name of the note you want to change it to, and use Ctrl+ or Ctrl+ to correct the octave, if necessary (Mac: Cmd+ or Cmd+).

    To change the enharmonic spelling of a note, select it and use the J command. For more information, see Accidentals.

    To change the pitches of a passage of music by a constant interval, you can use Transposition.

    To change the pitches of a passage of music to a different melody, while keeping the rhythm unchanged, use Re-pitch mode.

    If your score contains a lot of misspelled accidentals, you might try the Respell Pitches command (see Accidentals: Respell pitches).

    Change rest to note and vice versa

    To change a rest to a note of the same duration:

    1. Make sure you are not in note input mode (press Esc to exit).
    2. Select the rest.
    3. Enter the desired pitch by entering a note letter, A–G.

    To change a note to a rest of the same duration:

    1. Make sure you are not in note input mode (press Esc to exit).
    2. Select the note.
    3. Press 0 (Zero).

    Note properties

    See also

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